Tory Government let owner of failing #Avanti and Transpennine rail franchises pay itself £65m dividend
Exeter's Avanti School is being renamed in latest overhaul
#exeter #devon #education #school #Avanti #devonlive
Who’s causing chaos on #WestCoastMainline?
Suspect 1: #Avanti
• 66% trains cancelled or delayed
• £12 million taxpayer money to Avanti shareholders
Instead of Govt playing #FatController in a friendly #ThomasAndFriends episode, it must get #train operators to finally deliver.
#Westcoastmainline #Avanti #fatcontroller #thomasandfriends #train
Time to nationalise the railways.
BBC News - Avanti West Coast rewarded with £6.5m in bonuses
Cold day out - our Coventry picket line have got the right idea! #Avanti members are resolute and determined. Solidarity to all our members today.
Solidarity to our #Avanti members on strike today. It's freezing outside but our hearts are on fire. Time for the government and rail companies to give us a fair deal!
#Avanti has certainly not covered itself in glory after charging an eye watering £589 for a ticket then failing to provide a service.
Rail passenger hits out at #Avanti over £589 ticket ‘masterclass in poor service’ -
#Privatisation #UKRail
#ukrail #privatisation #Avanti
Avanti cancel trains due to strike action (although not on an actual strike day).
We will refund your tickets, they say.
Just pay us £10 service fee.
Robbery, is what this is. Taking money for providing no service at all.
Nationalise them now. It is in our best interest.
Off-peak ticket?
Well, off peak is between 10am and 5pm on this line, 9.30am and 6.30pm on that line, not before 6.30pm on *that* line, but only at weekends.
And no, there is no sign telling you this or information on any app, you should just know.
[This needs to end]
#publictransport #trains #Avanti #Scotrail #britishtrains
As some of you may be using the British rail system to travel for the first time this Christmas, I thought I'd share my number one train tip.
After visiting the toilet you might be tempted to place your hands under the soap dispenser before rinsing them.
Do not do this.
Always check the water turns on FIRST or you'll be left with a handful of liquid soap and no easy way to rid yourself of it.
Also, take hand sanitiser.
#toptip #publictransport #britishrail #Avanti #trains
Wait, what, #Avanti are getting a payout of more than £1m for exceeding minimum services standards?! What on earth are the minimum service standards - 1 train per week?!
It’s probably time to make a proper #introduction. Hi, I’m Wes. I live with my wife and daughter in Kirkland, Washington, a city whose claim to fame is being responsible for the Costco brand. I got into computers with a Morrow MD-11 in 1983. I used to write about cars full-time, when magazines still mattered. I currently work in product for a PaaS provider by day and aggravate myself with a #Studebaker #Avanti at night.
#introduction #Studebaker #Avanti
RT @lorenzabo: Finita la prima parte di restauro dei porticati di #PiazzaVittorio: ora le colonne e il pavimento sotto Palazzo Koch e Palazzo Podesti sono tornati a splendere. Un grande e lungo lavoro di restauro che verrà esteso a tutto il resto della piazza. #primomunicipio #avanti
#PiazzaVittorio #primomunicipio #Avanti
Ho esercitato il mio diritto x un'Italia libera e forte. X un'Italia europea del progresso, della libertà e della civiltà. Tocca a tutti noi impegnarci x il nostro futuro. #Avanti, tutti insieme, io ci sono #ItaliaRestaLibera
Ieri alla #Coldiretti di Piacenza ho sottoscritto il loro manifesto, che è anche il mio: Pnrr, semplificare burocrazia, investimenti per crisi idrica, mercato internazionale equilibrato, nuove risorse per invasi d'acqua #Avanti @Piu_Europa
Il mio intervento sulla @gazzettaparma Più Europa in Italia, e un'Italia credibile e forte in Europa #Avanti @Piu_Europa @emmabonino #ItaliaRestaLibera #25settembre #NoPopulismi
#Avanti #ItaliaRestaLibera #25settembre #NoPopulismi
Il sostegno europeo e occidentale all'Ucraina, a partire dalle sanzioni, è stato decisivo. #Avanti
RT @Piu_Europa: Ha prima resistito all’inaudita aggressione di Putin e ora sta finalmente cominciando a liberare il proprio territorio occupato militarmente dai russi.
Il sostegno occidentale ed europeo all’Ucraina a partire dalle sanzioni, è stato e resterà decisivo.
US Federal Reserve Board Unveils Final Guidelines Used When Reviewing Requests for Access to Master Accounts
#FederalReserveBoard #regulatoryframework #TheUSFederalReserve #FederalRegister #paymentservices #MasterAccounts #paymentsystem #LaelBrainard #CryptoBanks #ReserveBank #krakenbank #Custodia #Finance #Fintech #Avanti #Kraken
#FederalReserveBoard #regulatoryframework #TheUSFederalReserve #FederalRegister #paymentservices #MasterAccounts #paymentsystem #LaelBrainard #CryptoBanks #ReserveBank #krakenbank #Custodia #finance #Fintech #Avanti #Kraken