Gibt leider keine offizielle einladungsseite mehr, wie ich das so sehe. Ich kann nicht einladen.
Kannst ja beim nächsten Termin mit dem #Avare Netzwerk der #TUC mitkommen 😉
Hab am Wochenende erst mit eckhart drüber gesprochen. Es wird mal wieder was passieren.
@jgoerzen #Avare may be a powerful #App with a lot of possibilites but the #GUI is just awful. #FltPlanGo isn‘t available in #Europe.
My primary #App is #Skydemon - but if they improve #Enroute I would consider to change that.
#Foreflight is just really expensive in my opinion.
#ForeFlight #enroute #Skydemon #europe #FltPlanGo #gui #app #Avare
@bsm Actually there are a lot of alternatives to #ForeFlight. #Avare is the leading Open Source option, and has moving maps, flight planning, flight plan filing, plates, etc. (Looks like more than Enroute even). #FltPlanGo is Garmin freeware. There is also #FlyQ, #GarminPilot, etc., pay-for options. 1/
#GarminPilot #FlyQ #FltPlanGo #Avare #ForeFlight
@bsm That's really cool! I've been using #Avare as a backup on my Android phone for a number of years. Sadly still #ForeFlight as my primary app but it is fantastic to see so many options!
I miss the US VFR maps in Enroute but still it is a really neat piece of software!