BNHR.XYZ :tux: :qgis: · @bnhrdotxyz
37 followers · 12 posts · Server

In 2020, I started the list at

It is a collection of Philippine data sources ranging from maps, geospatial data, statistical data, reports, etc. that I've encountered and organized in case others might find them useful too.

This year, I plan to update and improve the list. Message me if you want to help or contribute. 😊

Let's make it easier to find and use and about the Philippines.

#AwesomeDataPhilippines #data #opendata #maps #geospatial #statistics #philippines

Last updated 2 years ago

BNHR.XYZ :tux: :qgis: · @bnhrdotxyz
36 followers · 12 posts · Server

In 2020, I started the list at

It is a humble collection of sources of Philippine data ranging from maps, geospatial data, statistical data, reports that I've encountered and organized in case others might find them useful too.

This year, I plan to update and upgrade it. Message me if you want to help or contribute. 😊

Let's make it easier to find and about the .

#AwesomeDataPhilippines #data #opendata #philippines #maps #geospatial #statistics

Last updated 2 years ago

MapAm💜re · @MapAmore
524 followers · 1021 posts · Server

is a humble collection of sources of Philippine data built in hopes that some out there might find it useful.

Feel free to share with your friends and/or contribute other data sources that you want to include. :)

#AwesomeDataPhilippines #BNHR #opendata

Last updated 5 years ago

MapAm💜re · @MapAmore
524 followers · 1021 posts · Server

RT @benhur07b
Aside from maps, some of the sources provide their data via web services which makes them directly usable in (and other GIS).

#qgis #AwesomeDataPhilippines #BNHR #opendata

Last updated 5 years ago