For comparison, here is a short article that we did on #afrikakorps counterbattery at #Tobruk in #1941.
What many students of the desert war don't appreciate is that well into 1942, the #Axis forces in North Africa had artillery superiority over the #britisharmy. #history #WW2 #histodons @histodons #milhist
#afrikakorps #Tobruk #Axis #britisharmy #history #ww2 #histodons #MilHist
What if the Nazis implemented the Alpine Fortress and guerilla-warfare plans? That's a nightmarish but perhaps fascinating timeline.
Read more at my #blog:
#alternatehistory #history #worldbuilding #WWII #WorldWarII #SecondWorldWar #Nazis #Axis #castles #SS #AlpineRedoubt #AlpineFortress #Werwolf
#blog #alternatehistory #history #worldbuilding #wwii #WorldWarII #SecondWorldWar #nazis #Axis #Castles #SS #AlpineRedoubt #AlpineFortress #Werwolf