Decrusting the #axum crate by @jonhoo
A detailed deep-dive in the #rust axum crate. Long (+2 hours) but worth your while
Published a new snippet:
#rust #axum validated JSON request extractor. In case you need
I enjoyed the talk by @davidpdrsn about the API evolution of #Axum :ablobcatheart:
I did develop and publish it in about 6 days in my free time. For people that say that #Rust is an overkill for backends 🤨
It is often a matter of practice to be productive in any language. Rust already offers the ecosystem.
I did write a helper library that is highly opinionated to be even more productive and share code between my #Axum + #SQLx + #Askama projects:
It is not documented yet 😅 I will document it and might even write a blog post about it 😃
#rust #Axum #sqlx #askama #rustlang
OxiTraffic: Self-hosted, simple and privacy respecting website traffic tracker 🌐
A #Rust web app that I did write with #Axum to see how many read my blog posts 🧐
I did just publish version 0.2 which I consider ready for public usage 🤗
The screenshot shows the call history of one of my blog posts 📈
Check out the README for a demo and more details about how it works and how you can host it:
#rust #Axum #rustlang #selfhosted #analytics #indieweb
#Axum is really cool. Routes and handlers read really nicely and don't rely on magic. Don't have much else to say.
If you prefer a more written style of explanation of what Jon explained in their stream regarding the handler functions of #axum @alexpusch has explained it here (not considering the `FromRequestParts` and `FromRequest` cases, so it's not equivalent, but still helpful):
That is some true magic macro sauce right there in #Axum! Nice!😄
What I don't understand:
What does it mean, when you assign/override a macro variable? I didn't know you can do this.😮
I mean this line:
😯 Jon's stream is about to start everyone! Yay! :awesome:
They are going to "decrust" the #axum web framework.
Did #Barbenheimer today, about to go to sleep with plans to dig into #Axum and #leptos in #rustlang tomorrow. Pretty good weekend.
#barbenheimer #Axum #Leptos #rustlang
🚨#Etiopia 🇪🇹 agonia senza fine per il popolo del #Tigray 💔
Gli IDP, gli sfollati interni ad #Axum soffrono per fame nonostante siano passati 8 mesi dall'accordo di cessazione ostilità in cui è indicato l'obbligo di supporto umanitario‼️
#ResumeAid4Tigray #Africa
#etiopia #Tigray #Axum #resumeaid4tigray #africa
had a debuggng session with #axum app this morning. it turns out the route handler's parameter are ordered and the body param needs to be the last param, and unless i enabled axum's debug_handler, its error was misleading me to think i got my type parsed wrong or sth (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
🦀 #Axum and #diesel or 🧪 #PhoenixLiveView for scalable and performant side project? Experiences with either? I've done way too much #python so I want to try to be able to approach problems differently.
Axum would (I'm guessing) provide maximum performance but require a front-end with some JS to be dynamic but could be serverless. And elixir would allow for skipping a "frontend" due to the nature of the websocket approach but would run better scaled always running infra like k8s or
#Axum #diesel #PhoenixLiveView #python
My writings about all things Rust continue here:
Inutile che gov.🇮🇹 faccia finta che vada tutto bene, condividendo i post in cui l'ambasciata italiana in #Etiopia comunica che ha erogato 2MLN di euro per la tutela degli obelischi di #Axum come patrimonio #UNESCO se poi le persone in #Tigray continuano a morire di fame silenziosamente‼️ Una politica coloniale di oggi come dei tempi più bui del ventennio di #matrice #fascista
#etiopia #Axum #unesco #Tigray #matrice #fascista
:ferris: #Rust backends are relatively easy after learning the basics of Rust!
:postgresql: This blog post is about using SQLx to interact with a #PostgreSQL database in an Axum backend.
⭐️ It does also show how to use states and return JSON in Axum.
It has been a while since my last blog post. This is because the new semester has started. I am trying my best 😅
Would you prefer shorter posts? ✂️
Made with ❤️ for the #RustLang community.
#sqlx #Axum #rust #postgresql #rustlang
I have removed my Github stars from projects related to Web with #Python (Flask, SQLAlchemy, Guinicorn etc.) :python:
I feel guilty about me using them in the past... Poor users of my Python backend... :blobfoxmelt3:
#Axum and #SQLx, let's dominate backends with #RustLang! :ferris: 🚀
Why? Reliability, correctness, performance, resource usage, etc.
#python #Axum #sqlx #rustlang #rust