@Natureshadow I am indeed. We are currently packaging #AyatanaIndicators for #openSUSE and work on providing the look'n'feel of #Ubuntu #MATE to #openSUSE...
#AyatanaIndicators #opensuse #ubuntu #mate
@timbecker #X2Go, #Debian, #DebianEdu, #AyatanaIndicators, #UbuntuTouch, #UbuntuMATE, #MATE, #ArcticaGreeter, #NX-Libs, #AlekSIS, and various others.
#x2go #debian #debianedu #AyatanaIndicators #ubuntutouch #ubuntumate #mate #ArcticaGreeter #nx #AlekSIS
Call for translations of #AyatanaIndicators: https://sunweavers.net/blog/node/137 #UBports #UbuntuTouch #UbuntuMATE #Xubuntu #UbuntuBudgie #Unity7
#AyatanaIndicators #ubports #ubuntutouch #xubuntu #ubuntubudgie #unity7 #ubuntumate
Robert Tari and I will be working on releasing the #AyatanaIndicators 0.9.x series the coming days. These releases will complement #UbuntuTouch (developed by the #UBports team) based on #Ubuntu 20.04. So, stay tuned...
#AyatanaIndicators #ubuntutouch #ubports #ubuntu
Next up for #AyatanaIndicators: Port over #UbuntuTouch specific changes, integrate all the system indicators into #Lomiri and then improve test coverage of the components' unit tests. While we do this, we won't break anything for desktops that already switched over from #Ubuntu indicators.
#AyatanaIndicators #ubuntutouch #Lomiri #ubuntu
#AyatanaIndicators is now about to end the second month with a half time developer funded by the #UBports Foundation. All project components now use the same build system (#CMake) and nearly all have #Travis CI builds up and running.
#cmake #AyatanaIndicators #ubports #travis
#AyatanaIndicators project is now funded by the #UBports Foundation for the next 6 months (1st months is nearly over) with a half-time developer position. Send us bug reports and feedback, the time is good...
Ah, and btw. #AyatanaIndicators have been released yesterday: the 0.8.0 series. #Indicators are not only usable on #Ubuntu now, but on every Linux and BSD distro. In fact, it took quite some effort to make them work on #Ubuntu again after we had freed them from the Ubuntu-patch #GTK3....
#AyatanaIndicators #ubuntu #gtk3 #indicators