Dziga Vertov 2 · @DzigaVertov2
48 followers · 305 posts · Server

Wednesday's book of the day is:

#peoplewar #mlm #maoist #maoism #Azad #india

Last updated 2 years ago

Philipp Johannes Weber · @phil_phonetix
28 followers · 122 posts · Server

Dieses Video soll die Festnahme eines Studenten der Uni zeigen.
Man hat so etwas oft gehört,jetzt wollen die,die das drehen und posten ganz offensichtlich,dass dies nicht nur für Augenzeugen sichtbar ist.Sie machen die Gewalt gegen Bürger sichtbar
• Quelle:

#Azad #teheran #iran #mahsaamini

Last updated 2 years ago

· @gazeshift
24 followers · 443 posts · Server

Seriously, wtf!
Yesterday there was such hype and hope generated around this Judge, seemingly the ultimate guardian of our right to protest, etc.
Look at her dismal decision today.
Why can't Chandra Shekhar be in Delhi because of the elections when *everyone* else can, and not even be in ?
Are we becoming a severely caveated & conditional democracy? Can we at least have some good courts when the highest one as we all know has been co-opted by the ?
Unbelievable times.

#Azad #ShaheenBagh #fascists

Last updated 5 years ago