A #Milano contestato il Comune che dà il patrocinio ad una mostra celebrativa del Battaglione #Azov. Il consolato ucraino difende la mostra e respinge le contestazioni - pace@peacelink.it
@max_baranskyi я надіюсь, це просто співпадіння, а не спроба зашумити новину про день народження #залужний будь-якою ціною. Мстивий зелений карлик здатний на будь-що.
#Залужний #Азов #Азовсталь #україна #Azov #Azovstal #ukraine
UA: Прекрасна екстрена новина. 5 командирів Азовсталі сьогодні повертаються додому. Це чудово!
Але не забуваймо, що багато героїв Азовсталі та інших полів битви ще досі в полоні.
EN: Great breaking news. 5 "Azovstal" commanders are on the way home today. That's awesome!
But don't forget there's a lot of other heroes from Azovstal and other battlefields in captivity.
#Азов #Азовсталь #Україна #Azov #Azovstal # Ukraine
#Азов #Азовсталь #україна #Azov #Azovstal
One more group of the #Ukrainian POW are returned home after captivity. Amongst them fighters of #Azov, defenders of #Bakhmut and others. Welcome home. #SlavaUkraini!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/petras_petras/status/1667936379853062149
#Ukrainian #Azov #Bakhmut #SlavaUkraini
RT @allisonhare
#AZOV #Hero #MykhailoDianov Great to see Mykhailo well and catching up with old colleagues & friends. #AZOVHERO 🇺🇦💙💙💛💛🇺🇦 Keep healing Hero 🙏
#Azov #hero #mykhailodianov #azovhero
Ukraine’s #Azov brigade races to rebuild ahead of fateful fight. #RussiaUkraineWar https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/04/26/azov-brigade-ukraine-war-recruits/
Là, j’étais pas prête.
RT @OffLalanne: .Et en France #macron pratique la torture et fait mutiler à perpétuité des manifestants pacifistes par l'intermédiaire de sa milice ! Il faudra des réponses sur la présence de miliciens #AZOV pour réprimer les manifestations des #GiletsJaunes ! Juste une question de temps !
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/NathalieLoiseau/status/1646236568028426240
RT @MontayBayBay
#Azov is trending. #ragedonate by bidding on an officially approved Azov coin. The auction is pinned in my profile. Still has two hours remaining ! Come bid !
🇺🇦 Jewellery brand Kochut and the Azov One Foundation are joining forces to support the fighters of the #AZOV NGU Brigade💪
100% of the profits from the monthly sales of the special collection of silver tridents will be donated to the Azov One Foundation to provide the 🇺🇦army… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1645438470381355008
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/RubrykaEng/status/1645438470381355008
🇺🇦 Jewellery brand Kochut and the Azov One Foundation are joining forces to support the fighters of the #AZOV NGU Brigade💪
100% of the profits from the monthly sales of the special collection of silver tridents will be donated to the Azov One Foundation to provide the 🇺🇦army… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1645438470381355008
#Ucraina, il ritorno degli #Azov. Il fondatore del battaglione annuncia: in campo per #Bakhmut - la Repubblica
Accusato di avere un’ideologia neonazista, di atrocità e crimini di guerra commessi nel 2014 e nel 2015 contro i separatisti del #Donbass, protagonista della resistenza nell'acciaieria di #Mariupol, il gruppo entra a pieno titolo nelle forze di terra ucraine come Terza brigata d’assalto separata.
#Mariupol #donbass #Bakhmut #Azov #ucraina
Nel carcere russo, interviste di Gian Micalessin a membri del battaglione #Azov
RT @BrennpunktUA
Angeblich führen die AFU 🇺🇦Streitkräfte, einschließlich, aber nicht nur die 17. Panzerbrigade & die 3. Angriffsbrigade (Ex #Azov) einen Gegenangriff nördlich von #Bakhmut durch & sind im Begriff 🇷🇺RF & #Wagner einzukesseln. Die 🇷🇺 Offensive angeblich komplett kollabiert‼️🫡
👋Стара новина, але все одно зайвий раз не завадить поширити
Соцмережі компанії Meta не блокуватимуть дописи із згадками полку «Азов» https://netfreedom.org.ua/article/socmerezhi-kompaniyi-meta-ne-blokuvatimut-dopisi-iz-zgadkami-polku-azov
RT @MarkJLindquist
These #Azov soldiers are fighting in the army of the free world. Support below if you can. I support Azov in #Ukraine 💪🏽🇺🇦 https://twitter.com/alexbondodua/status/1607010649552420865
The 3rd Assault Brigade of ZSU on the captured Russian positions.
#Azov #Ukraine
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/TheDeadDistrict/status/1623965736266829824