On Tuesday January 31th, I will be speaking at the
Dutch Cloud Meetup
in Rotterdam!
Infra as Code: Bicep for the enterprise
Happy to join Erwin Staal and his talk about Terraform!
Will I see you there?
#Bicep #AzureBicep #Azure #Cloud #Dutch #Meetup
#bicep #AzureBicep #azure #cloud #dutch #meetup
I wrote a post a few months ago on adding #devcontainer features which did not age very well 😅 Revisited the topic here to show how you can easily add #azure cli extensions and #azurebicep to your #devcontainers using the new #azurecli feature https://dev.to/azure/re-visiting-dev-container-features-205i
#devcontainer #azure #AzureBicep #devcontainers #azurecli
#WhatILearned last week about #AzureBicep:
-Automation Account string variables value currently uses format "'string value'" ... in a parameter file anyway. why? I don't want my actual value enclosed in single quotes but without them it creates an object variable not a string variable. Portal doesn't do this. Bonkers.
-Automation Account property customNetworkInterfaceName allows a custom name for a nic but no update/change to that nic in it's own module/resource and can't associate an existing