La @northropgrumman ha presentato il primo bombardiere al mondo di sesta generazione. Il B-21 Raider prende il nome da i raiders della missione Doolittle, Il nuovo bombardiere ha dimensioni più piccole del B2, e oltre a possedere nuove tecnologie ha anche una rilevabilità radar minore. È caratterizzato da una architettura di missione “aperta”, ossia che consente di fare degli aggiornamenti in maniera semplice.
#Guerra #Scienza #divulgazione #tecnologia #B21 #Raider #geopolitica
#guerra #scienza #divulgazione #tecnologia #B21 #raider #geopolitica
With the #B21 revealed, there's only one question burning everyone's minds...
Does it have a low raider cross-section?
For the first time in 34 years, the #UnitedStates introduced the #B21 #Raider strategic bomber from #Northrop #Grumman.
It can carry #nuclear weapons and use #camouflage to hide from the most advanced air defense systems.
#camouflage #nuclear #grumman #northrop #raider #B21 #unitedstates
The entirety of the US mainstream media rattling the drum of nuclear war on behalf of the Pentagon.
#MIC #Pentagon #WW3 #Propaganda #USpropaganda #NuclearWar #B21 #B21raider
#mic #pentagon #ww3 #propaganda #uspropaganda #nuclearwar #B21 #b21raider
No nation has ever bombed more people into freedom than the United States of America.
#USA #USA #USA #B21 #B21Raider
#Sociopaths and #Psycopaths love this.
#MilitaryIndustrialComplex will kill us all.
#militaryindustrialcomplex #psycopaths #sociopaths #b21raider #B21 #USA
Les États-Uniens sont en train de présenter leur nouveau bombardier de 6e génération, le #B21 Raider, un avion aux technologies révolutionnaires, renforçant leur suprématie aérienne dans le domaine militaire. La question qui tue: que se passerait-il si ce pays tombait entre les mains d'une équipe d'extrême-droite contrôlant tout l'appareil d'état? Ce n'est pas du tout impossible, on le sait.
There it is. #b21
Originally posted by SwiftOnSecurity /
Wow @northropgrumman have finally released photos of the #B21 bomber. Via @Aviation_Intel
We are going to launch the most advanced Bomber ever built - "please update your Flash player plugin" 🤔