testing: S’express - Theme From S-Express https://duckduckgo.com/?q=%22S’express%22+%22Theme+From+S-Express%22 #NowPlaying #BBC6music
anyone catch guest #HannahFry earlier on this am on #BBC6music, think she was on #LaurenLaverne. i always thought, "3 is a magic number" #delasoul but it turns out it's actually 142,857 - very interesting. didn't expect to get a #maths lesson this morning.
#HannahFry #BBC6music #LaurenLaverne #delasoul #maths
Leftfield - Full Way Round feat. Grian Chatten https://duckduckgo.com/?q=%22Leftfield%22+%22Full+Way+Round%22+feat.+Grian+Chatten #NowPlaying #BBC6music'
Leftfield - Full Way Round (feat. Grian Chatten) https://duckduckgo.com/?q=%22Leftfield%22+%22Full+Way+Round%22+feat.+Grian+Chatten #NowPlaying #BBC6music'
Leftfield - Full Way Round (feat. Grian Chatten) https://duckduckgo.com/?q=%22Leftfield%22+%22Full+Way+Round%22+(feat.+Grian+Chatten) #NowPlaying #BBC6music
i listen to #BBC6music on my Radioplayer app. now can't get it - it's saying no url for radio stream. anyone know why? had to dig out my DAB radio so not a major problem, just annoying
mmm John Martyn live recording from 1982 on #BBC6music #JohnMartyn #BBC #BBCradio
#BBC6music #JohnMartyn #bbc #BBCRadio