I bought BBEdit for one feature: the Pattern Playground. So good for building up regex transformations interactively.
Why #BBEdit #apple creator Rich Siegel has always put the user above all.
Over a quarter century has passed since BBEdit’s commercial debut, and the app has become a favorite among developers, scientists, web designers, and writers alike for its sheer power and speed. (Siegel regularly tests 12 GB files these days.)
@bbedit as a long-time happy BBEdit subscriber, my dream is that you will one day make something like it but for reading and manipulating CSVs. ❤️
As part of my New Year’s tidying, I actually saved or discarded all my unnamed #BBEdit windows and quit the app. 2023 is starting fresh with “untitled text” instead of “untitled text 238”…
Might as well tell y’all what I use! I’m on #Linux, #macOS, and #Windows, so the editor I use depends on the platform and the context.
Linux: #neovim if it’s my own box, #vim otherwise.
macOS: #BBEdit! But I also have #VSCode and neovim installed.
Windows: Notepad++ for quick work. Otherwise, VSCode.
My needs are very simple—web stuff (HTML, CSS, PHP, etc.), config files, and the odd bash script. No need for a full-blown IDE, in any case.
Thanks for your responses, and keep ’em coming!
#linux #macos #windows #neovim #vim #BBEdit #vscode
I've been using Netnewswire since Netnewswire. I use #Netnewswire, #BBEdit and #Applescript to generate the #STLduJour(nal). If you wonder why I "star" a lot of your toots, call it habit.
#netnewswire #BBEdit #Applescript #STLduJour
Merry Christmas Winter Sales: WinterFest 2021 | Mac Apps Deals / Sales | #BBEdit #Hook #Scrivener #WinterFest #marked | https://dope.link/christmas21
#macapp #software #apps #applications #macapps #deal #deals #Mac #macos #apple #macappdeals #macappdeal #sale #r_macappdeal #coupon #discount #macbookpro #imac #imacpro #macbook #macbookair
#macbookair #macbook #imacpro #imac #macbookpro #discount #coupon #r_macappdeal #sale #macappdeal #macappdeals #apple #macos #mac #deals #deal #macapps #applications #apps #software #macapp #marked #winterfest #Scrivener #hook #BBEdit
When editing text to insert in #LibreOffice, I often need two features:
* removing line returns
* converting straight quotes to curly quotes
Not many plain text editors do this. TextEdit did, then it became #BBEdit.
After umpteen tries, I gave up on the latter feature in LibreOffice. Nothing worked. I never found the first feature, either.
Are there any other plain-text editors that do these two features? (Just in case BBEdit takes these features away and stuffs them in the pro edition.)
#features #texteditors #plaintext #BBEdit #libreoffice