RT España en la ONU
España 🇪🇸 ha intervenido hoy ante la #AGNU, en nombre de la Unión Europea 🇪🇺, para reiterar su pleno apoyo al acuerdo #BBNJ.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/SpainUN/status/1686394252711051264
The EU and its Member States commend @SingaporeUN for proposing the resolution on #BBNJ implementation & strongly supported it.
The #BBNJ Agreement is a historic achievement of multilateralism.
Read the EU Explanation of Vote➡️https://www.eeas.europa.eu/delegations/un-new-york/eu-explanation-vote-un-general-assembly-adoption-resolution-agreement-under-un-convention-law-sea_en
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Ambassador Antje Leendertse 🇩🇪🇺🇳: I commend @SingaporeUN for the resolution on the way ahead for #BBNJ implementation. Our full backing and almost global support for pushing forward with this multilateral achievement for #biodiversity 🌊
Only two states disagree…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUatUN/status/1686462686425407488
RT Virginijus Sinkevičius
It’s happening!
The world’s first international Treaty to protect the High Seas #BBNJ is now adopted at the @UN!
These are the best news that set the pathway for the next steps.
We will keep working closely for our oceans to thrive. https://t.co/jNFtYCZN5x
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/VSinkevicius/status/1670822455995187202
RT Séverine de Laveleye
Près de 20 ans de négociations qui aboutissent ce soir pour un accord juridiquement contraignant sur la biodiversité de la haute mer (couvrant les deux tiers des océans de la planète).
Un grand pas pour notre climat et notre environnement. 🌊
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UN News: Alert: Historic #HighSeasTreaty is adopted.
Find out what the landmark legally binding marine #biodiversity agreement means & why it’s important to the world.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/SLaveleye/status/1670869248812384278
#HighSeasTreaty #biodiversity #BBNJ
Indeed a historic day! 🌊 Now important to keep up the pace and ratify so mechanisms to protect the ocean can be implemented! #SaveOurOcean https://n.respublicae.eu/andersen_inger/status/1670825750755254274
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Inger Andersen: Historic day as @UN adopts the agreement on conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity beyond areas of national jurisdictions #BBNJ.
Now it's time to get down to work. To ra…
Les Nations Unies devraient adopter le traité sur la haute ce jour. Un pas essentiel vers plus de protection de l’océan. Mon interview 👇 à lire dans @LeTelegramme 🌊 https://t.co/1bjJdcNbzt
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Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea: On 19 June, the @UN is expected to adopt the historic new #BBNJ agreement on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity of areas covering over two-th…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CathChabaud/status/16706944379057
🌊🌍 Historique ! Le traité #BBNJ, sur la protection de la biodiversité marine en haute mer, a formellement été adopté à l'@ONU_fr!
Standing ovation for President Rena Lee and all the delegates for their hard work and unfailing commitment!👏
A great victory for multilateralism!
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High Seas Alliance: #HighSeas Treaty is adopted - on to signing and ratification! #Ocean #UN https://t.co/PYCzDoxTNB
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CathChabaud/status/1670820955705290753
Join us on July 5 at the @europarl_en for an exciting event on the synergy between the new #BBNJ treaty and the #CBD! Don't miss out on this exceptional opportunity to be part of the movement for ocean preservation 🌊🌍
Register here➡️https://bit.ly/46jlbn2 https://t.co/WorTYLgr8W
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CathChabaud/status/1672256916871954436
🚨Happening now: Standing ovations at the UN in New York for a new landmark treaty 🇺🇳#BBNJ!
After this official adoption, which followed years of heated negotiations, 🇩🇪 is committed to help making the UN #HighSeasTreaty a success.
RT @capecffa: 🧵The External Dimension of the #CommonFisheriesPolicy (1)
@IsabellaLovin gives the keynote speech at this @ldac_eu event
She goes through what has changed and what not in fisheries in the last 10 years & some milestones:
🌱Paris Agreement on Climate
🌊#BBNJ https://t.co/ycFedyttvY
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/IsabellaLovin/status/1661816948030681088
#CommonFisheriesPolicy #SDGs #30x30 #BBNJ
RT @MelanieBergma18
2/ Here's the link to the study, which IMO emphasizes again, that we urgently need international science-based criteria for environmental impact assessments in place BEFORE such technologies are allowed to be implemented in the #HighSeas. #plastic #BBNJ
🌊 The EU has taken a crucial step forward to preserve marine life and biodiversity beyond our marine boundaries.
The EU is already pledging €40 million to support developing countries to prepare for its implementation.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUinASEAN/status/1651043418544513026
Der Erhalt der #Biodiversität stellt eine der größten globalen Herausforderungen dar, um unsere natürlichen Lebensgrundlagen zu sichern. Das BMBF unterstützt mit einer neuen Förderrichtlinie die #Forschung über marine Biodiversität.
#BBNJ #BlauerOzean
#biodiversitat #forschung #BBNJ #blauerozean
🌊🇪🇺 Check out our latest #newsletter!
On the menu this month:
🐠A groundbreaking international #ocean biodiversity agreement #BBNJ
🛡️The EU #MaritimeSecurity Strategy update
🩺All about the link between our #health and the ocean's
Read it here: https://europa.eu/!dgvFmb
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_MARE/status/1641370154473865217
#newsletter #Ocean #BBNJ #MaritimeSecurity #health
RT @EU_MARE: 🌊🇪🇺 Check out our latest #newsletter!
On the menu this month:
🐠A groundbreaking international #ocean biodiversity agreement #BBNJ
🛡️The EU #MaritimeSecurity Strategy update
🩺All about the link between our #health and the ocean's
Read it here: https://ec.europa.eu/newsroom/mare/newsletter-archives/44584
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EFCA_EU/status/1641384964389208067
#newsletter #Ocean #BBNJ #MaritimeSecurity #health
En @EP_Fisheries la @EU_MARE répond à nos questions sur le traité sur la préservation de la biodiversité en haute mer #BBNJ L'occasion de saluer le travail des négociateurs👏🌊
La Coalition de la Haute ambition 🇪🇺+52 États doit rester mobilisée pour une rapide ratification 🌊
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CathChabaud/status/1640783014392111130
RT @ICES_ASC: @osparcomm @AlanHaynie @j_o_schmidt @DickeyCollas @EU_ENV @UNEP @UNOceanDecade @undoalos @MISSIONATLANTIC @AtlanticAll @NOAAFisheries 🔎 Highlighting our #biodiversity work with #BBNJ focus
❓ #DYK that we provide advice to North-East Atlantic Fisheries Commission on bottom‑fishing closures to protect vulnerable marine ecosystems #VMEs in #NEAFC regulatory areas?
➡️ Find the advice: https://ices-library.figshare.com/articles/report/New_information_regarding_vulnerable_habitats_in_the_NEAFC_Regulatory_Areas/21261369/1
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EFCA_EU/status/1636686668966113285
#biodiversity #BBNJ #DYK #VMEs #NEAFC
"UN high seas treaty is a landmark – but science needs to fill the gaps—
The agreement is a once-in-a-generation opportunity for researchers and funders to use every idea and instrument available to preserve the health of the seas."
At long last, on March 4, nations around the world have agreed to a #HighSeasTreaty to protect marine biodiversity and provide oversight of international waters.
Take a look at the journey towards an international legally binding instrument on marine biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction #BBNJ: http://bit.ly/3YrheaT
Congrats to the @HighSeasAlliance and all involved!
Next steps: Formal adoption & ratification! The journey continues!
#HighSeasTreaty #BBNJ #abnj #IGC5
High Seas Treaty Deep Dive: What’s the Plan to Protect the Ocean?
#World #Environment #BBNJ #HighSeasTreaty #InternationalWaters #LawOfTheSea #UNOceanConference #MarineLife #OceanEcosystems #OceanConservation #NationalJurisdiction
#world #environment #BBNJ #HighSeasTreaty #internationalwaters #lawofthesea #unoceanconference #marinelife #oceanecosystems #OceanConservation #nationaljurisdiction