Please read about #SgtJasonCharney - pne of the most brutal & violent #COs that #RCMP has leading CIRG units. He's same guy who destroyed drinking & emergency water tanks at #wetsuweten & same asshole who sent away my #BCAmbulance when I needed medical care due to multiple days/nights of #WarTactics #SleepDeprivation , multiple #raids & being #assaulted illegally by #RCMPCIRG at protection & resistance camps. He lives in #LangleyBC .
#sgtjasoncharney #cos #rcmp #wetsuweten #BCAmbulance #wartactics #sleepdeprivation #raids #ASSAULTED #rcmpcirg #langleybc
#Flashback 2021 #RCMPStandDown #MassMobilization #protest against #RCMPCIRG & #BCNDP using #RCMP to attack #ForestDefenders #Environmentalists on #unceded #Indigenous lands. I organized this, after aggressive, traumatic extraction by RCMP. Sgt. Charney (Google him) sending #BCAmbulance away, after promising I'd get to help if I went in their SUV to bottom of mountain. RCMP stole a bunch of my personal stuff too & didn't let me retrieve anything.
Don't believe MSM news. I was there! RCMP LIES.
#flashback #rcmpstanddown #massmobilization #protest #rcmpcirg #bcndp #rcmp #forestdefenders #environmentalists #unceded #indigenous #BCAmbulance