"Wearable facial electromyography: In the face of new opportunities" https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/2516-1091/ace508
#facialexpressions #emg #bci X-trodes #facialplasticsurgery #flexibleelectronics #smartskin
#smartskin #flexibleelectronics #facialplasticsurgery #BCI #emg #facialexpressions
Meds for mental health can be a blessing but also a curse due to unwanted side effects. Current research in AI, BCI, & neurotech shows promising results from neural implants for some mental disorders. Would you be in favor of these implants? Why or why not?
#neuroscience #neurotech #BCI #AI #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness
#mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealth #ai #BCI #neurotech #neuroscience
while people post nonsense about #chatgpt, Paralyzed Man Can Walk Again With New #Brain And Spine Implants https://nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06094-5 #neuroscience #neurorehabilitation #BCI
#BCI #neurorehabilitation #NeuroScience #brain #chatgpt
while people post nonsense about #chatgpt, Paralyzed Man Can Walk Again With New #Brain And Spine Implants https://nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06094-5 #neuroscience #neurorehabilitation #BCI
#BCI #neurorehabilitation #NeuroScience #brain #chatgpt
"Neuralink, the neurotechnology company founded by Elon Musk, is at best having a rough initial go-round with the Food and Drug Administration’s human trials application process. The company also faces additional investigations by two other U.S. government agencies." https://spectrum.ieee.org/neuralink-seeks-fda-approval
#FDA #Musk #Neuralink #BCI #NeuroTechnology
#neurotechnology #BCI #neuralink #musk #fda
PIEEG Affordable device to connect your #brain to #raspberrypi and then other actuators. Original paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2202.01936# Crowdfunding campaign: https://www.crowdsupply.com/hackerbci/pieeg #crowdfunding #innovation #bci
#BCI #innovation #crowdfunding #RaspberryPi #brain
"Open Source is a book that adds to the much needed #Neurotechnology #ScienceFiction. As an engineer and PhD student in #neuroscience myself, I loved the book because it raises real societal & ethical questions."
#scifi #horror #BCI #cyberpunk #OpenSource https://www.amazon.com/Open-Source-Enhancement-Book-1-ebook/dp/B016FMZIH6
#opensource #cyberpunk #BCI #horror #scifi #neuroscience #sciencefiction #neurotechnology
Bio und Informatik. Wie Soft- und Hardware Forschung am Leben voranbringt. Klicken wir uns Lebewesen bald zusammen?
Für #MDR #Podcast 'Digital leben' habe ich mit Uwe Scholz von IPK Gatersleben über Pflanzen, Genschere und Bio-Cybersicherheit gesprochen.
Und mit Elsa Kirchner von der Uni Duisburg-Essen (und DFKI) über #BCI Gehirn-Computer-Schnittstellen. Sie ist im Netzwerk dazu mit @Cyberagentur
"Die Gehirn-Computer-Schnittstellen bestehen aus einem kleinen Pad aus spitzen Elektroden, die in den motorischen Kortex einer Person eingebettet sind, einer Hirnregion, die hauptsächlich an der Bewegung beteiligt ist."
#BCI #BrainComputerInterface #Gehirnschnittstelle #Gehirnforschung https://www.heise.de/hintergrund/Rekord-im-Sprechtempo-Patient-schafft-mittels-Hirnimplantat-62-Worte-pro-Minute-7470575.html
#Gehirnforschung #Gehirnschnittstelle #BrainComputerInterface #BCI
"As BCI systems become more invasive in the lives of 'normal' individuals, it is expected that there will be a refocus & thematic shift towards increased research into ethical issues & the need for legal oversight in #BCI application." Comput Intell Neurosci (1/2023) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36643889/
#AI #neurotech #neurology #neuroscience #neuroethics #ethics
#ethics #neuroethics #neuroscience #neurology #neurotech #ai #BCI
Neural implant company #Synchron announces that its #BCI has successfully and safely allowed 4 patients w/ severe paralysis to wirelessly control computers w/ their thoughts.
Story in Mass Device by Chris Newmarker https://www.massdevice.com/synchron-study-backs-brain-computer-interfaces-safety/ cites 1/2023 JAMA Neurology study showing long-term safety of Synchron's stentrode https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamaneurology/article-abstract/2799839.
#neuroscience #neurotech #neuralimplants #neurology
#neurology #neuralimplants #neurotech #neuroscience #BCI #synchron
@ausgov @ASIOGovAu when are you going to put a stop to Christian led hate groups targeting individuals within this great country of ours? #HumanRightsAbuses #bci #northropgrumman
#northropgrumman #BCI #humanRightsAbuses
If you got a neural implant, what would you do with it first?
#neuralink #neuralimplants #brainimplants #transhumanism #neuroethics #BCI #biohacking #cyberpunk #futurism #medicaldevices #neuroscience #neurology #biotech #technology
#technology #biotech #neurology #neuroscience #medicaldevices #futurism #cyberpunk #biohacking #BCI #neuroethics #transhumanism #brainimplants #neuralimplants #neuralink
"Open Source is a book that adds to the much-needed #Neurotechnology Science-Fiction. As an engineer and PhD student in #neuroscience myself, I loved the book because it raises real societal and ethical questions." Open Source by Anna L. Davis #cyberpunk #scifi #horror https://www.amazon.com/Open-Source-Enhancement-Book-1-ebook/dp/B016FMZIH6/ #OpenSource #EnhancementSeries #neurotech #neuroethics #biotech #neurology #BCI #AI #ethics #technology #bioethics
#bioethics #technology #ethics #ai #BCI #neurology #biotech #neuroethics #neurotech #enhancementseries #opensource #horror #scifi #cyberpunk #neuroscience #neurotechnology
Elon Musk isn't the only billionaire who wants to develop brain implants. Jeff Bezos & Bill Gates just backed Neuralink rival #Synchron. Unlike #Neuralink, Synchron has already started human trials.
#neuralimplants #BCI #biotech #neurotech https://www.businesstimes.com.sg/startups-tech/bezos-and-gates-back-synchron-drive-brain-implant-breakthrough
#neurotech #biotech #BCI #neuralimplants #neuralink #synchron
"Elon Musk’s device will literally be inside a person’s brain. So what happens if Neuralink goes bust or the device simply fails?"
Could Musk's Neural Implant Leave People As Zombies https://hotair.com/jazz-shaw/2022/12/07/could-musks-neural-implants-leave-people-as-zombies-n516199
Nice piece by Jazz Shaw re:
#neuralink #elonmusk #transhumanism #ethics #neuroethics #medicaldevices #healthIT #BCI #cyborgs #zombies #cyberpunk #IoT #neuroscience #neurology
#neurology #neuroscience #iot #cyberpunk #zombies #cyborgs #BCI #healthIT #medicaldevices #neuroethics #ethics #transhumanism #elonmusk #neuralink
Excited to share my interview with Rob Loggia & Janice McAfee (widow of cybersecurity pioneer John McAfee) on The No Sugar Podcast about my sci-fi novel Open Source, neural implants, & how art/creativity helps us cope with dark times. Check it out! https://youtu.be/A3GbqvoSqBk
#OpenSource #cyberpunk #EnhancementSeries #McAfee #art #creativity #thankful #cyborgs #horror #neuralimplants #AI #BCI #cybersecurity #infosec #transhumanism #biohacking #neuralink
#neuralink #biohacking #transhumanism #infosec #cybersecurity #BCI #ai #neuralimplants #horror #cyborgs #thankful #creativity #art #mcafee #enhancementseries #cyberpunk #opensource
Sexy cyborgs. Hackable brain implants. A Dallas reporter in trouble. Want some fast-paced sci-fi horror? Try Open Source. https://www.amazon.com/Open-Source-Enhancement-Book-1-ebook/dp/B016FMZIH6/ #scifi #cyberpunk #horror #books #transhumanism #neuralimplants #medicaldevices #BCI #AI #ethics #IoT #healthIT #cyborgs #biohacking #neuroscience #neuroethics #AI #technology #ethics #society #neurotech #privacy #security
#security #privacy #neurotech #society #technology #neuroethics #neuroscience #biohacking #cyborgs #healthIT #iot #ethics #ai #BCI #medicaldevices #neuralimplants #transhumanism #books #horror #cyberpunk #scifi
"Monkey-to-human transfer of brain computer interface decoders"
#neuroscience #neuro #brain #BCI #iBCI #EMG #WienerCascade #decoder #motorCortex
#motorcortex #decoder #wienercascade #EMG #ibci #BCI #brain #neuro #neuroscience #arxivfeed
"A Modular, Adaptive, Deep-Learning-Based Brain-VR Interface"
#VR #BCI #DL #ML #deeplearning #neuroscience #neuroimaging #EEG
#eeg #neuroimaging #neuroscience #deeplearning #ml #DL #BCI #vr #arxivfeed