#CanadaDay forecast for the #LowerMainland and southern #VancouverIsland:
A few clouds otherwise mostly sunny. Highs ranging from 20°C near the water to 23°C inland (places like Abbotsford). Dropping by a few degrees for fireworks.
A stiff breeze along the water, out of the northwest along the Strait of Georgia, out of the west along the Strait of Juan de Fuca. #Fire danger is low to moderate, but don’t be dumb.
#canadaday #lowermainland #VancouverIsland #fire #vancouver #yvr #victoria #BCStorm #weather #wxtooter
A strong upper level low may swing south into the Pacific Northwest to bring below average temperatures and wetter (but not super wet) conditions. Models favoring highs near 20°C Sunday and Monday in #Portland.
Right now, this upper level system is located in Siberia. Models have it going from there to the Aleutian Islands and then down to the Northwest over the next week.
#portland #pdxtst #orwx #wawx #BCStorm #weather #wxtooter
Satellite view of smoke from the #DonnieCreekFire north of Fort St. John in #BritishColumbia drifting east across the northern quarter of #Alberta Tuesday morning.
#donniecreekfire #britishcolumbia #alberta #BCStorm #abstorm #weather #fire
Wildfire north of Fort St. John now one of the largest in #BritishColumbia history - 2400 sq km.
#britishcolumbia #BCStorm #fire #weather
Pacific Northwest snowpack:
Snow-water equivalent in the Columbia River watershed continues to drop rapidly and is currently at 28% of average. The Snake River portion is the best at 50% of average.
West side drainages are running about 40% of average, BC Salish Sea drainages around 14%, and the Peace River watershed is 25%.
Columbia watershed is on track to be pretty much done for the season in the next two weeks or so.
#weather #water #wawx #orwx #idwx #BCStorm #pdxtst
High threat of strong to severe thunderstorms in the #BritishColumbia Okanagan region, including #Kelowna and #Kamloops, Saturday afternoon and evening.
Wind gusts to 70 km/h, hail to 2 cm in diameter, and flash flooding are possible.
A broader area with less severe but still quite wet storms extends from near Hope to the Alberta border and a little ways north of Kamloops with isolated storms possible clear to almost Fort Nelson.
#britishcolumbia #kelowna #kamloops #BCStorm #weather
Snowpack in the Columbia watershed peaked above average over the last few weeks. This week it has dropped rapidly due to warm temperatures throughout the Pacific Northwest, but is still looking healthy.
Periods of rapid declines are common during the melt season. The melting should slow over the coming days.
#orwx #wawx #BCStorm #pdxtst #water
Evacuation notice issued due to a #wildfire southeast of Alexis Creek, British Columbia which is a ways west of Williams Lake.
#bcstorm #weather #fire #bcfire
#wildfire #BCStorm #weather #fire #bcfire
My belated #FollowFriday offering this week is @edwardsanthonyb.
Anthony is a contributing meteorologist at the @sfchronicle who graduated from the University of Washington. Great #weather content from him for all of Western North America! He’s new here so give him a warm welcome!
Honorary mention to @geravitywave who is also a meteorologist at the San Francisco Chronicle who also has great weather content and is fun to chat with.
#followfriday #weather #wawx #orwx #cawx #BCStorm
Pacific Northwest snowpack report today:
We’re about a week past the seasonal peak, both average and for this year.
• Columbia watershed: 103% of average
• BC Columbia: 94%
• US Columbia: 95%
• Snake: 114%
• WA/OR west of the Caecades: 106%
• Peace (NE BC): 87%
Overall looking pretty healthy. Especially strong in the Great Basin and the upper Snake watershed.
#weather #orwx #wawx #idwx #BCStorm
It looks like the next decent low heading for the Pacific Northwest comes Friday into Saturday. Models have it following a classic fall wind storm track with it making landfall near the Olympic Peninsula as it tracks northeastward. Periods of heavy rain, mountain snow, and breezy conditions possible.