Hold it right there, buster — this cake is for cats only!"
Happy 7th Birthday, BC!
#EverydaylsCaturday #BCatPix #MastoCats #FediCats #TheArtOfALT #AlwaysUseALT
#everydaylscaturday #BCatPix #mastocats #fedicats #TheArtOfALT #alwaysusealt
@futurebird #BarristerBabyCat at your service, Pica! I'll show them "something a baby would say"!
#barristerbabycat #BCatPix #alwaysaddalt #alwaysreadthealt
@Huitty "For me? Aw, thanks, Huitty! Get ready for some sisterly smooches in return!"
#BCatPix #alwaysaddalt #caturday
Timeline cleanse: Kitty ASMR
ALT: A very brief video, taken early in the morning from Baby Cat's human's point of view, as he lies abed in a night shirt. Baby's regarding him placidly with her enormous sage green eyes, a look of gentle amusement on her white milk muzzle. Baby suddenly — & audibly — licks her nose, quickly opens & closes her mouth, & then winks her left eye.
@LottieVixen @JennyFluff Video transcript: "Mew!"
Video description: Baby Cat — an adult deep chocolate tan-ticked tabby with enormous sage green eyes & an irresistibly boopable dusty rose nose — thwacks her tail on a once-white carpet & leaps from the floor to on top of a green blanketed bed & meows as she disappears from view.
@loren Having dipped her toe into the icy sea of consciousness, Baby Cat contemplates retreating to the warm dunes of sleep...
#BCatPix #alwaysaddalt #alwaysreadthealt
@JohnMFlores 😎: Wait a minute! I've been tooting with abandon my whole online career — have I been doing it wrong?
🐱: "It's true. He stinks, I smell."
@seldoncrisis @Cat_LeFey "To tell the truth, I think my human's a Lotus Eater..."
#AlwaysAddAlt #AlwaysReadTheALT #BCatPix #Caturday #CatroyWasHere
#alwaysaddalt #alwaysreadthealt #BCatPix #caturday #catroywashere
@gregorysherrow Happy Birthday Ivy!
Unfortunately, your majesty, I used all my eggs baking you this cake. But, it's got peanut butter in it, & homemade bacon icing!
@purplepadma "Believe me — I've seen the future and you're better off here!"
#alwaysaddalt #BCatPix #peopleaspets
@helenclayton @littlemonsters "Oh, I wish you could see it! I'll try & describe it as best I can...
It's a really beautiful new star i just noticed, in the most wonderful constellation, made entirely of cats: running, purring, playing, sleeping, cuddling, laughing, loving..."
#astarwasborn #BCatPix #alwaysaddalt
@dyani "Welcome! Just remember, like I tell my human every day: Everything's gonna be OK, because — no matter what— I am here for you!"
#alwaysaddalt #BCatPix #comfortcat
@Quietgirl82 Happy Birthday!
"You better grab this cake quickly before my human gets his hands on it!"
"Even though you cannot see me, I am being incredibly cute right now, so you'd have to be a real bastard not to get up and give me my second breakfast!"
#alwaysaddalt #BCatPix #TheArtOfALT
@ahimsa_pdx So good to hear from you! 😻😎
"If occasional surreptitious sips from the coffee cup takes 1 of my nine lives, it's worth it! I've never zoomed quite as maniacally — &, oh, Bastet! — did it make the catnip positively psychedelic!"
#alwaysaddalt #BCatPix #TheArtOfALT
5. All's Well That Ends Well
A thoroughly caffeinated Baby Cat
#AlwaysAddALT #BCatPix #TheArtOfALT #CaffeinatedCats #cats #coffee
#alwaysaddalt #BCatPix #TheArtOfALT #caffeinatedcats #cats #coffee
4. The Immediate Aftermath
"Why did you let me have a taste of that?How can you drink that sludge?"
#AlwaysAddALT #BCatPix #TheArtOfALT #CaffeinatedCats #cats #coffee
#alwaysaddalt #BCatPix #TheArtOfALT #caffeinatedcats #cats #coffee
3. The crime
ALT BC takes 2 laps of coffee from a maroon coffee cup on a grey-tiled floor. She then looks surreptitiously up at the camera with her sage green eyes to see if she's in trouble.
Sound up for cat ASMR
#AlwaysAddALT #BCatPix #TheArtOfALT #CaffeinatedCats #cats #coffee
#alwaysaddalt #BCatPix #TheArtOfALT #caffeinatedcats #cats #coffee
2. "You sure it's the way I like it? Light & sweet — like me!"
#AlwaysAddALT #BCatPix #TheArtOfALT #CaffeinatedCats #cats #coffee
#alwaysaddalt #BCatPix #TheArtOfALT #caffeinatedcats #cats #coffee