ガラル鳥は出ないが色違いブルーが出て来た。#BDSP に送るかな(4体目)。
週間リワードも。 #ポケモンGO #PokemonGO
From April 1st through May 1st you will be able to receive the Members Card through Mystery Gift in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl to encounter Darkrai :darkrai:
GUYS listen to this epic arrangement!
Battle! Cynthia Traditional Japanese instruments x Orchestra Arrangement
Pokemon gym trainers in Hearthome City be like:
"why aren't you taking the math quiz seriously, you have a calculator in your watch for arceus' sake"
bitch i need that exp and prize money
#pokemonbrilliantdiamond #BDSP #BDSPポケモン交換
I fired up my copy of Pearl yesterday to see if I could do anything in there before my copy of Shining Pearl comes in today, and…why was my 2019 self breeding so many :spiritomb: 😑 Anyway, happy #BDSP day to everyone!
I've been consciously avoiding news, but I was wondering if anybody here has read anything about options for fire types in the remakes? (Or, it's not just :ponyta: or :chimchar: at the beginning anymore?)