Just to clarify, for those interested: the new BESM4 map of Uresia to be commissioned by Dyskami has nothing to do with me, and is not based on my own terrain maps used in the development of the setting (Dyskami had no interest in those maps; they wanted previously-published material and production files only, not background dev material). The closest thing they have is the Grandma August map ... so that's 1/8th of Temphis sorted 😅 #UresiaRPG #Dyskami #BESM
I just learned there's a #BESM 4E by the original author and the kickstarter for the setting book is happening now. Neat! I will have to check it out!
@Staren I know it mainly through #BESM , #TenchiMuyo , and Demon City Shinjuku.
Okay, good news on that Uresia concern: Ikaris isn't a racist fantasy world. Its author chimed in to confirm.
I can now return to moping over how awful the new Uresia itself will be, with its wakka-wakka clown-nose graphic design, tone-deaf world changes and tone-deaf-world additions, misused cartography and who knows what other fresh horrors ... Those are all just in the fragments they've shared publicly so far 😰
#ttrpg #UresiaRPG #BESM #besm4
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pu4SnS_PyuM How does BESM work? What's the deal with BESM Multiverse? ... do you have some time? #SelfPromotion #BESM #Multiverse
#selfpromotion #BESM #Multiverse
#introduction Thread: Hi, I'm a non-binary professional #TTRPG author contracted with #Dyskami to work on #BESM, #AbsolutePower, and #Anime5E. I'm not just the Creative Director, I'm also a gamer. 😁 1/2
#introduction #ttrpg #dyskami #BESM #absolutepower #anime5e
#introduction Hi, I'm a non-binary professional #TTRPG author contracted with #Dyskami to work on #BESM, #AbsolutePower, and #Anime5E. I'm not just the Creative Director, I'm also a gamer. 😁
#introduction #ttrpg #dyskami #BESM #absolutepower #anime5e
My first Mastodon toot is to boost the signal:
If you're a #BESM fan and want more Anime Multiverse, here it is! 🙂
@Rom_lonewolf23k I don't believe so. As I understand it, it will be encumbered with statblocks and other filler specific to #BESM 4th Edition.
@fotonurth Honestly, #Risus ... My last several long-term fantasy campaign used #RisusRPG and the magic always flowed so nicely. But laying my own stuff ASIDE, I love #ArsMagica and #GURPS and #MageTheAscension and #BESM 2nd Edition for magic, too,
#risus #RisusRPG #arsmagica #gurps #magetheascension #BESM