Whilst it should be cool it's mostly just infuriating. What? Shield guys in #BF2042. They're bullet proof and move too quickly to run from. It's not fun, it's just aggravating.
@ocramius Saw a stream today and the netcode seems better than the one of #BF2042 where parachutes still don't sink fluidly to the ground #thefinals
#EA wants you to give honest feedback on #bf2042 - have fun😈 https://go.ea.com/BFCommunitySurvey-Feb23
RT @Xx_UMEBOSHI_xX: 理論的に可能なことにはすべて挑戦するビークル厨 #BF2042 #Battlefield2042 https://t.co/mwvQa6eib4
RT @Xx_UMEBOSHI_xX: 理論的に可能なことにはすべて挑戦するビークル厨 #BF2042 #Battlefield2042 https://t.co/mwvQa6eib4
I played a round of BF2042 and it was awesome! I had a good tank driver while I manned the gun. We were wiping the enemy out. Tons of explosions, tornados, vehicles, crumbling buildings...this is why I prefer Battlefield over Call of Duty any day. #BF2042 #XboxShare
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where are all of you, i keep getting put into empty servers...
#BF2042 #Battlefield2042 #battlefield
#MAERSK is everywhere 😂 Auch in #Battlefield und unter anderem Namen (NORTH), aber come on 😅#BF2042
tokumeiAsan RT @MageSQ3F16: #BF2042 #PS4share
死体撃ちと屈伸はBFの文化。余り上品じゃないけどな(笑) https://t.co/GhT9FZMrVj https://twitter.com/tokumeiAsan/status/1562759152392617986
I've been making the most of my enforced isolation and have played some #BF2042
I have just today realised how to change the load outs...
RT @bf1soku: BF2042速報 -バトルフィールドまとめ : 【悲報】EAがBF2042の無料化を検討、出来に非常に失望しているらしい #BF2042
ちまちま無反動砲打つのがアホらしくなる #BF2042
RT @J02GGOgpQ6dueGu@twitter.com
#BF2042 #めぐみん
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/J02GGOgpQ6dueGu/status/1460431102238023682
tokumeiAsan RT @osashimi636825: C4ドローン特攻ヤバス
#BF2042 #BattlefieldBeta #BattlefieldOpenBeta https://t.co/xutLIDEVML https://twitter.com/tokumeiAsan/status/1445901218274942981
#BattlefieldOpenBeta #BattlefieldBeta #BF2042