[Correspondence] #Omicron #neutralisation: #RBD-dimer #booster versus #BF7 and #BA52 breakthrough #infection https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(23)01367-3/fulltext?rss=yes #china #vaccines #pandemic #immunology #research #science
#omicron #neutralisation #rbd #booster #BF7 #ba52 #infection #china #vaccines #pandemic #immunology #research #Science
#Japan, eight #covid19 wave: '' According to the information released by the #Tokyo Metropolitan Welfare and #Health Bureau, starting from the 7th wave of the epidemic, the #omicron variant #BA5 is mainly prevalent in Japan, but it has been gradually replaced by the new mutant strains #BF7 and #BQ11 , #XBB15 replaced, their immune escape ability is stronger, and their transmission ability becomes stronger.'' SINA: https://k.sina.com.cn/article_5044281310_12ca99fde01901xx6l.html?from=news&subch=onews
#japan #COVID19 #tokyo #health #omicron #BA5 #BF7 #bq11 #xbb15
🇨🇳 #China stories ... and posted a few early on, I don't think I've fully maximized OMICRON as the infectious pathogen, part of a lineage of hundreds of 🧬mutations ... Those mutations, that immunity waning, that lack of access to services, can quickly happen here. Not just a flight away, but a super-spreading condition away! Chinese celebrities’ https://www.ft.com/content/67d7c3fb-ccdd-4acc-ab0d-cd818eba6c0e #BF7 🦟 #omicron
#China, Pang Xinghuo, Deputy Director of #Beijing CDC and Member of the National Expert Group on New Coronavirus Pneumonia: ''During the monitoring of variant strains in the local #population, the city has not found the prevalence of #XBB, #BQ1 and other strains. #BF7 and #BA52, a subclade of BA.5, were still the dominant strains among the prevailing strains.'', https://news.sina.com.cn/c/2023-01-06/doc-imxzfymz2059134.shtml
#china #beijing #population #xbb #BQ1 #BF7 #ba52
''For locally-acquired infections, data presented were based on more than 2000 #genomes collected & sequenced from 1 Dec. '22. #China #CDC analysis showed a predominance of #Omicron #BA52 & #BF7 among locally acquired infections. BA.5.2 & BF.7 together accounted for 97.5% of all local infections as per genomic sequencing. A few other known Omicron sublineages were also detected albeit in low percentages... no new variant has been reported'', https://www.who.int/news/item/04-01-2023-tag-ve-statement-on-the-3rd-january-meeting-on-the-covid-19-situation-in-china
#genomes #china #cdc #omicron #ba52 #BF7
''According to the study, 30 #Omicron strains that have been identified globally were measured in more than 300 randomly selected viral #WGS from #patients in #Shanghai, including mainly #BF7, #BA52, and the recently emerged #BQ1 and #XBB.'', https://journal.hep.com.cn/fmd/EN/10.1007/s11684-022-0981-7
#omicron #WGS #patients #shanghai #BF7 #ba52 #BQ1 #xbb
''Xu Wenbo, head of the National Institute for Viral Disease Control and Prevention with the #China #CDC, also said that in the last three months, China has detected 130 #subvariants of #Omicron, such as #BF7, #BQ1 and #XBB entering the country, media reported on Thursday.'', https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202212/1282939.shtml
#china #cdc #subvariants #omicron #BF7 #BQ1 #xbb
''Since the beginning of December, the #China CDC has completed the #WGS of 1,142 cases through a sampling survey and found that the #Omicron subvariants #BA52 and #BF7 were the dominant strains, accounting for more than 80 percent of the total, said Xu. There are also seven other subvariants of Omicron circulating.'', GT: https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202212/1282775.shtml
#china #WGS #omicron #ba52 #BF7
Omicron #BF7 is already detected in Metro Manila. Good luck to me and all of us in covid response 🫂
#BF7 #philippines #CovidIsNotOver
RT @HugonetX
Vacances scolaires +2
408 enfants hospitalisés, dont 46 réas
J-7, 387 (+5%), 36 réas (+28%)
Les 0-9 ans :
Ajd, 233 hospitalisés, 33 réas
J-7, 215 (+8%), 23 réas (+43%)
#Covid19 #Enfants #Ecole #BQ11 #BF7 @Ecole_Oubliee @beattrice_ @tigresseleanor @Leggomyfuego1
#COVID19 #enfants #ecole #BQ11 #BF7
RT @MicrobesInfect
A new #omicron subvariant, #BF7, is spreading in #China.
BF.7 is believed to have an R0 of 10 to 18.6, meaning that an infected person will transmit the virus to an average of 10 to 18.6 other people. Research has shown omicron has an average R0 of 5.08.
Reports from #China indicate BF.7 is quicker to transmit and has greater capacity to escape prior immunity than other #Omicron subvariants. But we shouldn’t be alarmed at this stage.
#BF7 #COVID19 #PublicHealth
#China #omicron #BF7 #COVID19 #publichealth
RT @DrEricDing
2) Beijing is also recommending wearing the public to wear masks in public. And they mentioned the “highly contagious” #BF7 variant of Omicron being a potential factor.
RT @DrEricDing
BREAKING—Beijing officials are recommending all residents of Chaoyang (mega district of 4+ million) to stay home on Monday—do not go indoors publicly, and do not leave the area. #BF7 variant suspected. China had its first death from #COVID19 since May. 🧵https://www.reuters.com/world/china/beijings-chaoyang-district-urges-residents-stay-home-monday-2022-11-20/ https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1594344385667534854
RT @DrEricDing@twitter.com
BREAKING—Beijing officials are recommending all residents of Chaoyang (mega district of 4+ million) to stay home on Monday—do not go indoors publicly, and do not leave the area. #BF7 variant suspected. China had its first death from #COVID19 since May. 🧵https://www.reuters.com/world/china/beijings-chaoyang-district-urges-residents-stay-home-monday-2022-11-20/ https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1594344385667534854
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DrEricDing/status/1594344385667534854
RT @DrEricDing@twitter.com
2) Beijing is also recommending wearing the public to wear masks in public. And they mentioned the “highly contagious” #BF7 variant of Omicron being a potential factor.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DrEricDing/status/1594345049160130560
RT @DrEricDing@twitter.com
BREAKING—Beijing officials are recommending all residents of Chaoyang (mega district of 4+ million) to stay home on Monday—do not go indoors publicly, and do not leave the area. #BF7 variant suspected. China had its first death from #COVID19 since May. 🧵https://www.reuters.com/world/china/beijings-chaoyang-district-urges-residents-stay-home-monday-2022-11-20/ https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1594344385667534854
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DrEricDing/status/1594344385667534854
#Deutschland ist Exportnation:
Wir haben von 25.9.-11.10. zwei #BQ1-Fälle nach #Taiwan exportiert, genauso viele wie es dort in diesem Zeitraum lokale BQ.1-Fälle gab.
#BF7 wurde von den USA, F & NL exportiert, #XBB von Singapur, Thailand, Indonesien, Indien und Hong Kong.
Quelle: Taiwan CDC
#xbb #BF7 #taiwan #bq1 #deutschland
RT @dokhollidays@twitter.com
Weil wir gerade bei „Bad News“ sind:
In China wurde eine neue Variante entdeckt die sich auch in Indien ausbreitet und in USA laut CDC ca 4,6% ausmacht.
BF7 ist extrem immunflüchtig und kann sowohl der Impfung als auch den Monoklonalen Antikörper Medikamenten entkommen.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/dokhollidays/status/1583060429181685761