Hello Socelites!
I'd like to start a thing: #2022 #YearInAnimation. What was your fav #Animation stuff of the past year (in no particular order)?
Got to say #DelToro's #Pinnocchio. The artistry! #HouseBroken's The Holidays specials. I LOVE #SuperGiantRobotBrothers, pure fun. I SO wish I could have seen #TheSeaBeast in theatres. #BobsBurgers movie, w/ SHADING! Really impressed by #LittleDemon. #KidCosmic #DeadEndParanormalPark #Dunkanville #BeeAndPuppyCat #HarleyQuinn #BIRDGIRL #TucaAndBertie
#yearinanimation #animation #deltoro #pinnocchio #HouseBroken #SuperGiantRobotBrothers #TheSeaBeast #bobsburgers #LittleDemon #KidCosmic #DeadEndParanormalPark #dunkanville #beeandpuppycat #harleyquinn #BIRDGIRL #tucaandbertie
Who's the girl that saves the world?
So apropos of my previous toots, I was looking for something on hulu today, and noticed that the banner for Birdgirl had changed. Then researched on twitter to find Padget Brewster promoting her show by snaping a picture of a billboard on Sunset BLVD. It premiers -tonight-. I -narrowly- missed the S2 premier of my favorite show. There has to be a better way of promoting shows. Just gotta.
So my favorite animated anythings of 2021 [in no order] would be
#CentaurWorld, #MayaAndTheThree [watched 3x],
#KidCosmic, #BIRDGIRL! [on 3rd watch],
#TucaAndBertie, #TheOwlHouse,
and what I have seen of the new #SummerCampIsland. Also #ArloTheAligatorBoy, LOVED #MitchelsVsTheMachines. #Duncanville and #TheGreatNorth have been very enjoyable too. And wish I had known about #ElliottFromEarth much sooner.
#centaurworld #mayaandthethree #KidCosmic #BIRDGIRL #tucaandbertie #theowlhouse #SummerCampIsland #ArloTheAligatorBoy #MitchelsVSTheMachines #Duncanville #TheGreatNorth #ElliottFromEarth