La Banca dei regolamenti internazionali e la #BancaInghilterra hanno collaborato con il settore privato all’esperimento della #valutadigitale della banca centrale. Il progetto #Rosalind, è stato guidato dal ramo britannico #BISInnovationHub #LondonCentre e dalla #BankofEngland. Tra i partecipanti e i consulenti figurano la #BancaCanada, la #BancacentraleUngheria, #Visa, #Mastercard e #Amazon. Anche le quattro banche centrali scandinave. #CBDS #BRI
Mio articolo
#bancainghilterra #valutadigitale #rosalind #BISInnovationHub #londoncentre #bankofengland #bancacanada #bancacentraleungheria #visa #mastercard #amazon #cbds #bri
RT @bundesbank: Mit #Atlas entwickeln das #BISInnovationHub Eurosystem Centre, die #Bundesbank und die @DNB_NL eine #Datenplattform, um die makroökonomische Relevanz von #Krypto-Märkten zu beleuchten. Mehr Infos zu Atlas hier:
#atlas #BISInnovationHub #bundesbank #Datenplattform #Krypto
RT @bundesbank: Together with @BIS_org @ecb @banquedefrance @BancoDeEspana and @centralbank_ie Bundesbank President #JoachimNagel has opened the #BISInnovationHub Eurosystem Centre in #Frankfurt and #Paris today!
#JoachimNagel #BISInnovationHub #frankfurt #Paris
RT @Lagarde: I’m pleased to be joining the opening ceremony of the #BISInnovationHub Eurosystem Centre in Frankfurt today.
Watch the event live from 15:00 CET
@BIS_org @banquedefrance @bundesbank
RT @BIS_org: Watch the #BISInnovationHub Eurosystem Centre opening event, with Agustín Carstens, @Lagarde, @bundesbank_prsd, François Villeroy de Galhau, Pablo Hernández de Cos, @makhloufgabs and others
@ecb @banquedefrance @bundesbank @BancoDeEspana @centralbank_ie
RT @BIS_org: The #BISInnovationHub upcoming Eurosystem Centre will lead projects in quantum cryptography, cryptocurrency markets intelligence and climate disclosure transparency. The HK Centre starts a new retail #CBDC investigation and phase 2 of Project Genesis.
📬 Project Dunbar: Zentralbanken und BIZ kooperieren bei Zahlungen in digitaler Währung #Krypto #AndrewMcCormack #BankNegaraMalaysia #BISInnovationHub #CBDC #MonetaryAuthorityofSingapore #ProjectDunbar #ReserveBankofAustralia #SouthAfricanReserveBank
#SouthAfricanReserveBank #reservebankofaustralia #ProjectDunbar #monetaryauthorityofsingapore #cbdc #BISInnovationHub #BankNegaraMalaysia #AndrewMcCormack #krypto