So how did the Minneapolis insurrection go last night? How many people died?

How many were named Ashli Babbit?

#thefourthreich #blm #BLMIsRacism

Last updated 4 years ago

So how did the Minneapolis insurrection go last night? How many people died?

How many were named Ashli Babbit?

#thefourthreich #blm #BLMIsRacism

Last updated 4 years ago

Man. I has the sads.

Had to leave the family chat group today because they defended Kendi's comments about white people adopting black children.

My wife and I are white people who adopted black children. And I'm the one who shared his comments with them. 🤦‍♂️

#2020Sucks #criticalracetheory #CriticalRaceTheoryIsRacism #crt #CRTIsRacism #blm #BLMIsRacism

Last updated 4 years ago

Man. I has the sads.

Had to leave the family chat group today because they defended Kendi's comments about white people adopting black children.

My wife and I are white people who adopted black children. And I'm the one who shared his comments with them. 🤦‍♂️

#2020Sucks #criticalracetheory #CriticalRaceTheoryIsRacism #crt #CRTIsRacism #blm #BLMIsRacism

Last updated 4 years ago

If you need any proof that Google is on the side of the racist white AntiFa and BLM, just try having a conversation about it with a Google keyboard and notice it subtly change the words in your comments to support the racists.

#google #racist #BLMIsRacism #blm #HateComesInAllColors

Last updated 4 years ago

Trump at Mt. Rushmore: "You want to tear down statues? For every statue you tear down, we will build 10 more."

Paraphrasing of the announcement of the Garden of Heroes.

#BLMIsRacism #blm #racism #HateComesInAllColors #hate

Last updated 5 years ago

They've stopped issuing US passports and they already have an 8 month backlog.

The last train has already left Berlin.

I'm going to be praying hard for Trump 2020. I don't want my children taken away and put into the system. I already pulled them out of the system. The system is as close a guarantee as you can get to ruining their lives.

#blm #BLMIsRacism #racism #HateComesInAllColors #hate

Last updated 5 years ago

They're screaming that it's evil for black children to sit in white laps. This is getting dangerous for my family.

I haven't mentioned much, if at all, before because of lack of relevance, but my wife and I are white with adopted African American son and African American daughter.

This is probably the first time this whole thing has really scared me.

#WhiteFragilityIsARacialSlur #BLMIsRacism #HateComesInAllColors

Last updated 5 years ago