Using #TorBrowser cures tab dependence.
Bookmarks are good. We use #bookmarks as #BlockMarks too, to block certain bad websites, eg. CAGEFAM sites.
#torbrowser #bookmarks #BLOCKMARKS
We are really loving the idea of #BLOCKMARKS.
Its a standard browser bookmark, but you strip out the URI and title of the page, and write, the name of the #CAGFAM's that it fetches resources from, the month and year, followed by "BLOCKMARK" in all caps.
So if the site is #Cloudflare fetching #Google, when you start typing it, the #blockmark appears like this:
'cloudflare google apr21 BLOCKMARK'
The only problem is you end up with some crap when you start typing URLs… quickly dissipates tho.
#BLOCKMARKS #CAGFAM #cloudflare #google #blockmark
2015 is also going to be the year #TorBrowser introduce #BLOCKMARKS.
Blockmarks are designed to prevent a user from accidentally clicking a link and accessing a site.
It could be a site riddled with trackers, or just a site that the user doesn't want to access. A screen appears telling the user the site was BLOCKMARK'ed on a particular date and a possible reason for the block.
The user can bypass the block if they choose.
Half blockmarks prevent new fetches in a session.