英國《衛報》昨天報道,一名希望避開香港國安滋擾的香港人因為遵守英國內政部的建議,由申請政治庇護轉為申請 #BNO 居英簽證而被否決申請,目前可能要遣返回香港。
香港財經事務及庫務局局長許正宇已完成布魯塞爾及倫敦的外訪,週二會見了英國的印太地區事務國務大臣卓雅敏(Anne-Marie Trevelyan),後者在Twitter表示,向許提出了黎智英案和初選47人案,並要求准許 #BNO 護照持有人可以以永久離港的理由,提早取走強制性公積金(MPF)
Some of the things which I've been covering include long-term social movements, such as #HongKong's pro-#democracy protests which have taken place in the United Kingdom.
The protests have evolved to also be in support of #Uyghur Muslims and those in #Tibet.
With the influx of Hongkongers coming to the UK on the #BNOvisa scheme, Hongkongers are protesting in the UK against #China's CCP more and more often.
#hongkong #democracy #Uyghur #Tibet #BNOvisa #china #photography #photojournalism #HongKongProtests #BNO