La rotunda mayoría de los brasileños condena el golpe a la democracia de los 'bolsonaristas' | Público
Además, un 82% respondió de manera favorable sobre la actuación de Lula da Silva tras el ataque a las instituciones.
#BRPol #Brasil #Asalto #Bolsonaristas #Ultraderecha #8DeEnero #JairBolsonaro #LulaDaSilva
#luladasilva #jairbolsonaro #8deenero #ultraderecha #bolsonaristas #asalto #brasil #BRPol
Brazil's riot highlights close ties between Bolsonaro and Trump - The Washington Post
Jair Bolsonaro's claims of mass election fraud are part of a playbook reflecting his deep ties to Donald Trump and other American election deniers.
>"On Jan. 4, 2021, two days before Trump supporters stormed the Capitol, several Bolsonaro family members, including Eduardo, visited the White House, according to visitor logs released by the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack. The purpose of the visit, and who met with them, is not known."
#USPol #BRPol #Insurrection #CoupAttempt #DonaldTrump #JairBolsonaro #EduardoBolsonaro #SteveBannon #JasonMiller #MikeLindell #MatthewTyrmand #ProjectVeritas #January6th #CapitolAttack #Playbook #ElectionDenialism #FarRightNetworks #LulaDaSilva
#luladasilva #farrightnetworks #ElectionDenialism #playbook #CapitolAttack #January6th #projectveritas #matthewtyrmand #mikelindell #JasonMiller #stevebannon #EduardoBolsonaro #jairbolsonaro #donaldtrump #CoupAttempt #insurrection #BRPol #uspol
Brazil Just Had Its January 6. It Wasn’t Hard to See It Coming. – Mother Jones
From a viral Steve Bannon hashtag to a hands-off police, all the pieces were in place.
#BRPol #USPol #Insurrection #CoupAttempt #January6th #SteveBannon #FarRight #RightWing #JairBolsonaro #DonaldTrump #ElectionDenialism #BigLie #LulaDaSilva
#luladasilva #biglie #ElectionDenialism #donaldtrump #jairbolsonaro #rightwing #farright #stevebannon #January6th #CoupAttempt #insurrection #uspol #BRPol
Rechte Revolte in Brasilien: Wie viel Trump steckt dahinter?
Der Putschversuch gegen Brasiliens Demokratie gleicht nicht zufällig dem Sturm auf das US-Kapitol.
Zur Trump-Bolsonaro-Connection siehe auch das folgende sehr ausführliche Stück der #NewYorkTimes aus dem November 2021: (en)
#USPol #BRPol #USA #Brasilien #DonaldTrump #JairBolsonaro #Putschversuch #RechteRevolte
#rechterevolte #putschversuch #jairbolsonaro #donaldtrump #brasilien #usa #BRPol #uspol #newyorktimes
8. Januar 2023 = Brasiliens #January6th.
Hilfe, ich hänge in einer Zeitschleife!
By the way: Eduardo Bolsonaro, einer der Söhne von Jair Bolsonaro und Busenfreund von Steve Bannon, hielt sich Anfang 2021 in #Washington auf und war auch noch dort, als am 6. Januar 2021 Trumpanhänger das Kapitol stürmten:
>"On the day of the Capitol riot, Eduardo Bolsonaro was in Washington. When asked later, he said the rioters’ efforts were weak. 'If it were organized, they would have taken the Capitol and made demands,' he said."
#BRPol #Brasilien #LulaDaSilva #JairBolsonaro #EduardoBolsonaro #SteveBannon #DonaldTrump
#donaldtrump #stevebannon #EduardoBolsonaro #jairbolsonaro #luladasilva #brasilien #BRPol #washington #January6th
Is Bolsanaro Headed for Defeat? | The Nation
With an ally recently entangled in an armed standoff with police, the Brazilian president is rapidly losing ground to an emboldened Lula.
#BRPol #Brazil #PresidentialElection2022 #LulaDaSilva #JairBolsonaro
#BRPol #brazil #presidentialelection2022 #LuladaSilva #JairBolsonaro