NPP-669 is a promising #Cidofovir #prodrug acting as #broad #spectrum #antiviral agent (#BSAA) against multiple DNA #viruses.
An excellent example on how #chemistry / #medicinalchemistry play a key role in the improvement of #drug #bioavalilability and clinical efficacy of #drug candidates.
#Cidofovir #prodrug #broad #spectrum #BSAA #antiviral #viruses #chemistry #MedicinalChemistry #drug #bioavalilability
Best thing to happen in 2022 so far. Hope this goes through and other countries would follow.
The Banning Surveillance Advertising Act
"On Tuesday, Democrats introduced a new bill that would ban nearly all use of digital advertising targeting on ad markets hosted by platforms like Facebook, Google, and other data brokers."
#BSAA #surveillance #surveillancecapitalism