Yes, these are that I gave away as prizes for my Challenge earlier this year at . I had one team successfully solve all of my puzzles in less than six hours, using no hints, to earn the maximum score possible and received first-place coins for their efforts.

#challengecoins #ctf #BSidesKC

Last updated 2 years ago

I wonder how I can top this award that I gave away at earlier this year during the closing ceremonies. (In case some of you are wondering who won it, go ask Megantron. As far as I know, she hasn't made the jump to Mastodon just yet.)


#ctfcompetition #BSidesKC

Last updated 2 years ago

Professor_Kilroy · @professor_kilroy
4 followers · 13 posts · Server

While I'm still more or less in recovery mode from (and yes, I'm still on antibiotics for the time being), I'm already looking at additional conferences for 2023. is still on my list (provided there's enough justification for me to show up), but I'm also looking at and/or (Charlotte, NC) provided they're not on the same weekend.

Should I bring back the individual, on-demand stuff? Maybe. Last time I tried to make that work it pretty much failed to gain any traction. Could I possibly make some videos on ? Just need to talk to the right people first.

Choices, choices...

#lymedisease #hackmiamicon #BSidesKC #bsidesclt #yt

Last updated 2 years ago

Right, I suppose a formal is in order.

I've been a part of the infosec scene since 2016 when I attended my first conference in DC. I taught my first workshop at the following year and haven't looked back. The other part of my handle comes from a certain 1983 prog rock album.

I've taught workshops on both security analysis and cloud forensics at multiple conferences including , , , and . Currently slated to teach at in May 2023.

Yes, I'm also a part-time Twitch Affiliate streamer. Every now and then you'll see me play various games with others, including my son.

Don't be bashful, don't be shy, feel free to say hi.

#introduction #bsides #bsidescharm #BSidesKC #bsidestampa #bsidesidahofalls #houseccon #hackmiami

Last updated 2 years ago

Guess we officially joined today! Rumor has it that Kilroy joined earlier this year...and no one to date has solved our little puzzle we put on those challenge coins we gave away at in September!


Last updated 2 years ago