My brother was very keen on the Subaru being parked perpendicular to #BabyBoomerHouse, so I cut down some of the bramble and I'm parking it that way from now on.
Carefully wrapped the foil back onto the 88% cocoa bar, put the wrapper back on, and put it in a tupperware and into the cabinet it goes. I, foodie. #BabyBoomerHouse
All hail ants! They are making a bee line to the cat food. It used to be that Danielle and Manx would between them polish it off, but since Manx isn't here as frequently there are seeds and stems (outdated drug reference).
Manx has been going on walkabout for much longer periods. Never you mind that I opened the futon room window one morning and he began meowing at me AT VOLUME from the NE deck, came in, ate, hung around briefly, and vanished. (Collared and chipped, but he usually comes back more rotund than before...) #BabyBoomerHouse
Although it's another hot day I decided to fry up a lamb kidney in olive oil, Maskal Teff Flour, and some kimchi. Boiled the other one in rice. Boiled some spinach too, so nothing's going to waste.
Although it's another hot day I decided to fry up that lamb liver in olive oil, Maskal Teff Flour, and some kimchi. Boiled some of the liver in rice. Boiled some spinach too, so nothing's going to waste.
CenturyLink guy knocked on the door in this heat. Laying fiber, got a better plan, etc. I already get a discount being disabled, and most likely I'll only be here at #BabyBoomerHouse for another year or so, so no need to make any changes. I.e. if it's not broke, not fix it.
It took some ju-jitsu but I've named the new Wi-Fi router "~*Screw*~ The ISLD!" (been culling old paperwork with great pleasure). #BabyBoomerHouse #shredshredshred
#BabyBoomerHouse #shredshredshred
Getting a new, hopefully nightshirt because I can't find my steady blue plaid one. My safe deposit box key is in its pocket, I just know it. And why are clones modeling kaftans on eBay? It's creepy. #BabyBoomerHouse
Conked out and let the air conditioner run all night. Even Homer nods. #BabyBoomerHouse
Eating cottage cheese and freely blocking vulvas as I go along. ॰॰॰Took care of the ants by sponging the counter down with vinegar. ॰॰॰I'll have my work cut out for me rearranging #BabyBoomerHouse for the Boise summer heat! ॰॰॰
I awoke at 3:50 a.m., feverish, muscles aching. No nausea or chills. I very nearly fainted going out on the NE Deck, knocked the digital thermostat off the wall. Took some acetaminophen, re-hydrated, drew myself several hot baths and longed for cottage cheese. Guess I hadn't acclimated to the heat being jacked up on the daily & got my electrolytes out of whack. The bedroom's too hot to sleep in now, obviously. #BabyBoomerHouse
Got the TCL 5WR1-A window AC installed. When flibbertigibbet was prepping the place she'd had installed her own in addition (caulking, painting, etc.) She eventually took hers back. But also she stored the unit's actual AC in the disused garage —without informing anyone. Confusion ensued, but all's well that ends well. #BabyBoomerHouse
Nothing like a deeply clogged follicle. Just have to wait for it to blossom, so to speak. ॰॰॰I don't really need Wi-Fi, but I like to broadcast #BabyBoomerHouse to the kids & run my #BottomlessCoffee scale. ॰॰॰Even if I move to a brick house, which are by nature extremely well insulated, I'd install a fancy smart thermostat first thing. ॰॰॰
#BabyBoomerHouse #bottomlesscoffee
The thunder has stopped. Never did see any lighting flash. If it had at all approached it would have been a good time to install that new Wi-Fi! ॰॰॰Lovely Cottonwood family lunch yesterday. As usual my brother was The Sphinx. I mean more than usual. Getting information from him is like pulling teeth! ॰॰॰And so I might be living here for two weeks, throughout summer, into autumn, whatever. ॰॰॰#BabyBoomerHouse
Usually I enjoy thunderstorms (from a safe vantage), but I conked out yesterday merely listening to the constant thunder. No strikes closer than 0.9 km, if memory serves. Branches on the NE deck. Trees are OK.
Hard to believe half the year's gone already. Spring has sprung after a few squirrely seasons; I've placed the yellow bird feeder on the rambunctious elm. Nice view of it from the kitchen window, and of course the NE Deck.
Shaved around the boil. ॰॰॰Entered bills into #WheresGeorge (long-term fun). ॰॰॰Trying to figure out how to keep the booth bedroom cool & dark. A box fan is perched on one of the space heaters currently, and my neighbor has a glaring security light. #BabyBoomerHouse
#wheresgeorge #BabyBoomerHouse