Willkürliche, diskriminierende Inhaftierung von Millionen #Uiguren, Vergewaltigungen, Missbrauch - der UN-Bericht von #Bachelet bestätigt erneut die bekannten Menschenrechtsverletzungen #China|s. Es kann keiner mehr sagen: Ich habe von nichts gewusst.
RT @SteffenWurzel: #Chinas Staats- und Parteiführung hatte im Vorfeld vehement versucht, die Veröffentlichung des #Bachelet-Berichts zu verhindern. Hier zum Download des Berichts: https://t.co/jnKjmVenHA:
"China seeks to stop UN rights chief from releasing #Xinjiang report." If #Bachelet allows China to get its way on that matter, she would even top her abysmal failing during her visit to China and sully the OHCHR position fatally. https://www.reuters.com/world/china/exclusive-china-seeks-stop-un-rights-chief-releasing-xinjiang-report-document-2022-07-19/
I do not believe #Bachelet can be trusted with this matter any more. A person of courage and conscience at the #OHCHR should leak the draft report on #Xinjiang that Bachelet has been holding back for months and is now delaying even further. #LetFactsSpeak
#Bachelet #OHCHR #xinjiang #LetFactsSpeak
The German Foreign Minister @ABaerbock comments on Ms. #Bachelet very special visit to #China. In diplomatic language this is a very strong criticism. https://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/de/newsroom/chn-hochkommissarin/2533196
RT @borismijatovic: Beschämend für die ganze #UN-Familie. Wenn wir nicht mal mehr Kritik aussprechen, was bleibt dann an Glaubwürdigkeit. Ich bin froh, dass @ABaerbock dieses Spiel nicht mitmacht. #Bachelet #Uiguren #CrimesAgainstHumanity https://www.dw.com/de/bachelets-propaganda-%C3%BCbung-in-china/a-61966108
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MartinHaeusling/status/1531216178290610179
#UN #Bachelet #Uiguren #CrimesAgainstHumanity
With his obvious lack of respect for the UN Human Rights chief #Bachelet, Xi Jinping may well be contributing to a result of her China visit that he will not like. :-) "Xi tells UN human rights chief China doesn’t need ‘patronising’ lectures"
I will pass judgement on the #Bachelet visit once it is over and she has published the report on #Xinjiang that has been withheld for far too long.
RT @swsjoerdsma: While Uyghurs, Tibetans, Hongkongers and others are being violently repressed, the UN human rights chief allows herself to be humiliated instead of holding China to account.
RT @FrankSchwabe: Die Hohe Kommissarin für Menschenrechte der Vereinten Nationen Michelle #Bachelet muss freien Zugang zu allen Orten in China haben. Damit sie ungeschminkt über die verheerende Menschenrechtslage in #China berichten kann. #Uiguren #Tibet #bejing
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/IsmailErtug/status/1528765648150700032
#Bachelet #China #Uiguren #Tibet #bejing
.@hrw comments on impending #China visit of UN Human Rights Chief #Bachelet https://www.hrw.org/news/2022/05/20/un-rights-chiefs-credibility-stake-china-visit
Thread! And, indeed, the question is: How can there be #unfettered, meaningful access including unsupervised civil society contacts and visits to prisoners of conscience like Ilham #Tohti under PRC restrictions for which the pandemic offers an additional useful excuse? #Bachelet
RT @fbermingham: New: the UN Human Rights Council confirms to me that the advance team preparing for Bachelet visit had to quarantine in China for 17 days.
US old #neoliberal whore, Sebastian Piñera, has jailed 2,500 protesters and has inflicted 350 ocular wounds to his victims, according to info from Alberto Fernández, President of Argentina.
Hypocrite pseudo- socialist b!tch, Michelle #Bachelet (@mbachelet), striving to please her #fascist pimps #Trump & #Pompeo, as 'UN Human Rights High Commissioner, tacitly approves her co- repressor in Chile while feigning dismay & coming down hard against Venezuela for lesser offenses
#neoliberal #Bachelet #fascist #Trump #Pompeo
#Lawless regime #USA orders their #SpanishScum b!tches at European Union Commission (@eu_commission), Josep #Borrell Fontelles (@JosepBorrellF), & #UN Human Rights High Commissioner, pseudo-socialist Michelle #Bachelet (@mbachelet), to selectively attack #Venezuela —currently under #fascist US' / UK's / #Europe's severe #sanctions & #theft of its #gold, #oil, & #financial resources— and to ignore obvious cases of #HumanRights #violations in #Chile, #Colombia, & #Bolivia.
#Lawless #USA #SpanishScum #Borrell #UN #Bachelet #Venezuela #fascist #Europe #Sanctions #theft #gold #oil #financial #HumanRights #violations #Chile #Colombia #Bolivia