I was the kid who read so much I would get in trouble for it. I had books stashed in the backyard so I could read when forming friends was forced on me. We had a glass dinner table. I would get caught reading a book through the glass. Now that I am an adult I wonder why I didn't get caught more often?
#BackInMyDay the parents would lock the kids out to force them to go out and play.
We used to play in the woods and not worry about property lines.
#BackInMyDay a woman could get fired if she was pregnant and couldn't get a credit card without her husband.
#BackInMyDay everyone knew how to drive a stick and you could start your VW Beetle by letting it roll downhill
#BackInMyDay the neighbors got really upset when we sold our house to a black family.
#BackInMyDay parents drank beer while driving and threw their cans on the floor in the back seat. (Oh the smell)
We returned glass bottles of soda for a refund of the 10¢ we paid when purchasing them.
#BackInMyDay we lovingly cleaned the vinyl with a small velvet cushion and a few drops of D4
#velvet #discwasher #vinyl #HashtagGames #BackInMyDay
#BackInMyDay lucky kids could get a chemistry kit with interesting chemicals like ammonia, lead nitrate, cobalt chloride, etc. And an alcohol lamp.
Today parents will not mind much if their kids enter motocross races or take up smoking. But touch "toxic chemicals", oh horror...
#BackInMyDay, you could tell how many transistors there were in the CPU of your computer by opening the cabinet and counting them.
Pong was an amazing game on a Montgomery Ward black and white TV.
a poem to cogitate