@_DigitalWriter_ Habe jetzt ein wöchentliches #Backup meines #Obisdian Vaults mit #PureSync eingerichtet. Ging recht einfach mit dem Assistenten. Über den Planer kann man die automatischen Backups z.B. wöchentlich automatisch um eine bestimmte Uhrzeit starten, falls Rechner nicht an, wird es beim nächsten Systemstart nachgeholt. Auch kann man festlegen wieviele Backups gespeichert werden. Mit FreeFileSync lässt sich das nur mit dem Windwos Task Planer umsetzen. Mal sehen, ob es zuverlässig ist.
Guter Überblick zu #Backup-Möglickeiten für #Obsidian
How to Backup Obsidian - Obsidian Rocks
Does you #backup plan covers human errors?
Everytime I lost data it wasn't because my backup plan failed. It was because I worked on the backup setup or migrated it to a new medium and did a mistake.
So what is my advice? When you work on your backup setup, make sure you've made a backup of it.
Habt ihr Backups von euern Daten und habt ihr sie schon mal gebraucht?
(Auch lokale Backups zählen)
#backup #daten #Datensicherheit #nas #IT
#IT #nas #Datensicherheit #daten #Backup
What #program are you using to #backup your #linuxdesktop? #linux #rsync #pika #dejadup #duplicity #borg
#borg #duplicity #dejadup #pika #rsync #Linux #linuxdesktop #Backup #program
My #iPhone update to 16.6 from 16.5.1(c) came out ok because I had a recent #backup. Many people never backup or have very old backups. Please do yourself a favor and backup often, but if no other time, create a backup before attempting an update. This advice holds for other machines and operating systems. Make backing up a religion.
One of my most favourite, handy and reliable apps I've used for years with my Macbooks is #SuperDuper from #ShirtPocket. It's an app that makes a bootable clone of your Mac's hard drive. Not expensive at all and the customer service is A+. Sorry if this seems spammy but it's a non-corporate, no-nonsense and easy-peasy to use #backup app with a very cool Smart Update feature. Since I started with Macs way back when, I've had a few moments when it totally saved my bacon. Recommended.
#Backup #shirtpocket #SuperDuper
Conversations I wish I didn't have to have regularly:
"You need backups"
"I can't afford backups"
"Then you either have too much data that you care about, or not enough money. You need to change one or both of those."
#Backup #DataRetention #Data #btrfs
galera, meu armazenamento do Google tá acabando - tem alguma alternativa boa ao Google Fotos?
#googlephotos #alternative #storage #Backup
Just realized how useful SaveDesktop is. It can backup the config of GTK-based DEs + automatically install the saved Flatpaks.
Tried it with GNOME and Cinnamon, works perfectly with both. The only "issue" is it doesn't pin Flatpaks to panel but that's just a small thing, probably gets fixed in the future.
It can save a lot of time for distrohoppers.
#savedesktop #desktopenvironment #backup #desktop #gtk #gnome #cinnamon #flatpak #fosserytech
#fosserytech #Flatpak #cinnamon #GNOME #GTK #Desktop #Backup #desktopenvironment #savedesktop
Hoe bewaar jij belangrijke gegevens? Op een USB-stick, of twee? En hoe bewaar jij belangrijke gegevens van bestuurders in je organisatie? Toch niet op zulke consumententech?
#backup #overheidsmails #archivering
#archivering #overheidsmails #Backup
I don't use #mongo regularly, just #jsonb in #pg, so I'm guessing:
1. Mongo users could port data into pg using existing #backup & #recovery infrastructure, then they'd have both SQL and mongo query/dump/load options for future #migrations
2. The pg API will lag mongo's and sunset existing features later. And #SQL api as a fallback
3. A mongo app could transition to pg incrementally or partially, increasing maintainability by using mongo queries and SQL queries where they make sense
#SQL #migrations #recovery #Backup #PG #jsonb #mongo
"To reduce this risk, we are updating our inactivity policy for Google Accounts to 2 years across our products. Starting later this year, if a Google Account has not been used or signed into for at least 2 years, we may delete the account and its contents – including content within Google Workspace (Gmail, Docs, Drive, Meet, Calendar) and Google Photos.
The policy only applies to personal Google Accounts..."
#receipts #antifascist #Backup #deleted #Google
IMHO as #Flash prices continue to fall faster than #HDD's can, you'll likely want to see something like the #NeoFloppy:
As it also allows for automatic and human-readable lables...
Basically you're having a very primitive #NearlineStorage setup there...
Otherwise consider a real #backup server like #Proxmox Backup Server:
#proxmox #Backup #nearlinestorage #neofloppy #hdd #flash
@ariadne like everything from #Veeam.
Their #Backup software is only being licensensed from gullible Enterprises that have more money than sense, cuz otherwise they'd not use shitty OSes like Windows that require 3rd party backup solutions and can't do proper backups via #Snapshots or other means like #rsync...
#rsync #snapshots #Backup #veeam
rsync für VM's, NAS und Workstations
Täglich wechselnd, wöchentlich u monatlich, in der Regel zu anderen Orten.
Zusätzlich: Bei VM's image snapshot täglich
Komplett restore zum Glück bisher nur einmal bei einer VM via image snapshot des Hosters.
Einen Nextcloud-Sync mehrerer Rechner betrachte ich nicht als backup, deshalb werden die wie oben behandelt.