Everybody thought #BadCompany were an American band—like Grand Funk Railroad.
Donna introduced me and some other kids to Bad Company. Her drop-out "rocker" older brother, through her, had an outsize impact on what we listened to in 1975 and 1976.
The 8-track was pink, and the band were British.
#BadCompany #HashtagGames #BackInMyDay
Kotaku: One Of The Best Battlefields Ever Is Getting Shut Down https://kotaku.com/bf1943-bfbc2-bad-compay-mirrors-edge-shutdown-delist-ea-1850248491 #gaming #tech #kotaku #multiplayeronlinegames #technology2cinternet #electronicartsgames #firstpersonshooters #book3abattlefield #electronicarts #war2cconflict #creativeworks #windowsgames #videogaming #badcompany3 #badcompany2 #battlefield #badcompany #videogames #frostbite #eadice #dice
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #multiplayeronlinegames #technology2cinternet #electronicartsgames #firstpersonshooters #book3abattlefield #electronicarts #war2cconflict #creativeworks #windowsgames #videogaming #badcompany3 #badcompany2 #battlefield #BadCompany #videogames #Frostbite #eadice #dice
Oh yeah…. Bad Company - Desolation Angels - 1979 #badcompany #desolationangels #year1979 #vinylcollection
#vinylcollection #year1979 #desolationangels #BadCompany
Today In Metal History 🤘 February 21st, 2023 🤘 EMPEROR, LAMB OF GOD, BAD COMPANY, KATAKLYSM, OZZY OSBOURNE
HEAVY BIRTHDAYS Happy 75th Paul Newton (URIAH HEEP) - February 21st, 1948 Happy 52nd David Randall "Randy" Blythe (LAMB OF GOD) - February 21st, 1971 Happy 42nd Floor Jansen (NIGHTWISH) - February 21st, 1981 HEAVY RELEASES...
#Emperor #LambOfGod #BadCompany #Kataklysm #OzzyOsbourne #TodayInMetalHistory #February21st2023
#themetaldogarticlelist #bravewords #emperor #lambofgod #BadCompany #kataklysm #ozzyosbourne #todayinmetalhistory #february21st2023
If you like 60s/70s music, and you can join me on Twitter, join the #1125Playlist on Friday, 11/25/22 at 12 PM ET.
#1125Playlist has:
#StevieWonder #SlyandtheFamilyStone
#Yardbirds (#JimmyPage/#JeffBeck)
#BadCompany (#PaulRodgers)
Starts at 12 PM ET & All are welcome!
Follow the hashtag #1125Playlist for link.
#paulrodgers #BadCompany #jimmypage #yardbirds #slyandthefamilystone #steviewonder #1125playlist
Background music for quickly baking a batch of gluten-free wild (foraged) ramson and cottage cheese bread rolls. #BadCompany #glutenfreebaking #foraging
#foraging #glutenfreebaking #BadCompany
Yazmin Lacey // #YazminLacey //
Bad Company (Official Visualiser)
[single Bad Company / Pieces, 2022]
//via // #OwnYourOwnRecords #Believe //
#brandunbrand #youtube #music #vizualizer #YazminLacey #BadCompany
link youtube: https://youtu.be/hiIIIO1vYuY
#YazminLacey #ownyourownrecords #believe #brandunbrand #youtube #music #vizualizer #BadCompany
Yazmin Lacey // #YazminLacey //
Bad Company (Official Visualiser)
[single Bad Company / Pieces, 2022]
//via // #OwnYourOwnRecords #Believe //
#brandunbrand #youtube #music #vizualizer #YazminLacey #BadCompany
link youtube: https://youtu.be/hiIIIO1vYuY
#YazminLacey #ownyourownrecords #believe #brandunbrand #youtube #music #vizualizer #BadCompany
Yazmin Lacey // #YazminLacey //
Bad Company (Official Visualiser)
[single Bad Company / Peices, 2022]
//via // #OwnYourOwnRecords #Believe //
#brandunbrand #youtube #music #vizualizer #YazminLacey #BadCompany
link youtube: https://youtu.be/hiIIIO1vYuY
#YazminLacey #ownyourownrecords #believe #brandunbrand #youtube #music #vizualizer #BadCompany
09/28/1974 #BadCompany's self-titled album tops the US charts. The supergroup included Paul Rodgers & Simon Kirke from Free, Mick Ralphs from Mott The Hoople, and Boz Burrell from King Crimson. Their debut single, "Can't Get Enough" peaked at No. 5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7p9mzYB--uI
Music of the day. Seagull, Paul Rodgers #music #BadCompany #paulrodgers. https://youtu.be/ZAdB2hw0sRI
#paulrodgers #BadCompany #music