Damn greedy bastards. Anyhow, not that I do Mickey D's much but this would be a nail in the coffin for me regarding them any other fast food place trying this retrograde idea. (I am sure am not the only one.)
>Say goodbye to self-serve soft drinks at McDonald's
A lot of it, for the younger US #Latinos, as they become more "Americanized" they come to prefer #media in English, plus more preference to online sources vs. TV.
>Audience Declines in Traditional U.S. Latino and Black Media Continue https://www.latinorebels.com/2023/09/08/audiencedeclineslatinoblackmedia/
Meanwhile, #BackInTheUSColony
>Puerto Rico's public schools clamor for air conditioning to get relief from record-breaking heat https://qz.com/puerto-ricos-public-schools-clamor-for-air-conditioning-1850817082
#mastodonpr #BadEconomy #schools #puertorico #climatechange #BackInTheUSColony
Meanwhile, in the #BadEconomy. Personally, I do not see the appeal to #gambling but YMMV.
>How America became a nation of gamblers https://www.vox.com/policy/2023/9/7/23835684/nfl-kickoff-2023-opening-day-sports-gambling-betting-odds-fantasy-football
#thisisamerica #gambling #BadEconomy
In the #BadEconomy. You are really better off driving and maintaining an old jalopy.
#fuckery #scams
>Automakers rolling out paid subscriptions to unlock all features in new cars https://www.axios.com/2023/09/07/car-subscription-fees-unlock-features-new-cars
And I happen to be one of the 74M users. If you follow my monthly wrap up posts, a lot of what I watch is via Tubi.
>Tubi sees impressive growth, with over 74M monthly active users https://techcrunch.com/2023/09/06/tubi-gains-over-74m-monthly-active-users/
#Tubi #media #films #television
In the #BadEconomy, #free is good.
#free #BadEconomy #television #films #media #tubi
Nice for seniors (then again, it is his demographic), rest of us are still fucked when it comes to prescription costs. #BadEconomy
>Good News: Biden lowers drug prices for seniors https://forwardky.com/good-news-biden-lowers-drug-prices-for-seniors/
This is where driving an old jalopy has an advantage.
#BadEconomy #fuckery #tech #cars #privacy
>From sex life to politics: car driver data grab presents ‘privacy nightmare’, says study https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/sep/06/cars-collect-extensive-personal-data-on-drivers-study-warns
#privacy #cars #tech #fuckery #BadEconomy
This is another reason the student loan racket is such a clusterfuck. Every time one side comes up with something helpful, the obstructionist GOP #PartyOfStupid wants to fuck it up for everybody. Because heaven forbid...
>Republicans aim to roll back new student loan income-driven repayment plan https://www.highereddive.com/news/republicans-aim-to-roll-back-new-student-loan-income-driven-repayment-plan/692770/
#fuckery #highered #BadEconomy #PartyOfStupid
Deficits, schmeficits...besides, Dick Cheney made clear that "Reagan proved deficits don't matter." (Yes, I am being sarcastic in using his quote).
>US deficit is projected to roughly double this year: watchdog https://thehill.com/business/4186670-us-deficit-is-projected-to-roughly-double-this-year-watchdog/
#thisisamerica #americanempire #BadEconomy
And in the US, also add the likelihood of many Millennials (and older) stuck in onerous student loan debt (but that is another story).
Seriously #BarelySatire
#ThisIsAmerica #BadEconomy
>New Community Health Program Teaches Low-Income Americans To Ignore Symptoms https://www.theonion.com/new-community-health-program-teaches-low-income-america-1850793356
FTA: "The first thing we tell people is to never, ever go to the emergency room. Something as simple as sudden, unexplained headaches could be a serious sign of medical bankruptcy..."
#BadEconomy #thisisamerica #BarelySatire
@Lightfighter Oh yes, that is another storm there. It's going to be a "perfect storm" overall.
Meanwhile, in the #BadEconomy. (And btw, I am likely to be one of those; they'll probably find me in a ditch somewhere when my time comes, but I digress.)
‘Praying that my health holds out’: Many senior citizens expect to die with college loan debts https://hechingerreport.org/as-student-loan-repayments-resume-older-borrowers-who-still-have-debt-keep-working/
#corruption #exploitation #fuckery #academia #highered #BadEconomy
Meanwhile, in the #BadEconomy.
>Gizmodo’s owner shuts down Spanish language site in favor of AI translations
@helplessduck @RadicalGraffiti
My thought as well, we need some activist here in the US to do it too at Walmart, Kroger, etc.
#SaveYouAClick: Because retail in person sucks. (Online is only marginally better.)
>Why isn’t shopping fun anymore? https://thehustle.co/why-isn-t-shopping-fun-anymore/
Meanwhile, in the #BadEconomy. I would not know, I use #Tubi and a couple other similar free services.
>Streaming services are getting more expensive — and experts say higher prices are here to stay https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/streaming-services-price-hikes-1.6952547
#SaveYouAClick: Sort of, kind of. They are keeping two languages for elective class here or there, barely enough for a minor if at all. All else gone.
>West Virginia University no longer plans to completely eliminate world languages https://www.highereddive.com/news/west-virginia-university-no-longer-plans-to-completely-eliminate-world-lang/692217/
#BadEconomy #highered #academia #SaveYouAClick
I don't know, I've had a Whopper or two in my time, and yea, that advertising does make it look better than it really is. Just saying as a regular person (which is what the one judge argued for).
>Burger King faces legal claim over size of Whopper https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-66654440
#BadEconomy #lawsuits #news #legal #fastfood