I think I have a new winner for bad movie of the week
Deadly Prey
"I know this style"
Mullets and all
I'm watching Girls with guns fighting bad CGi dinos. #podcast
https://youtu.be/DMVDT_poPoc #BadMovieNight
Currently watching:
"The head" is next:
Would love to get some suggestions in the similar direction :)
#CurrentlyWatching #Grizzly2 #BadMovie #BadMovieNight @LauraDern @charliesheen #GeorgeClooney
Grizzly II: Revenge on Letterboxd https://boxd.it/16pC
#CurrentlyWatching #grizzly2 #BadMovie #BadMovieNight #georgeclooney
#CurrentlyWatching #RubinAndEd #BadMovie #BadMovieNight #CrispinGlover @CrispinGlover
Rubin & Ed on Letterboxd https://boxd.it/Yw6
#CurrentlyWatching #rubinanded #BadMovie #BadMovieNight #crispinglover
#CurrentlyWatching #SecretAgentClub #HulkHogan @HulkHogan #BadMovie #BadMovieNight
The Secret Agent Club on Letterboxd https://boxd.it/2Ofy
#CurrentlyWatching #secretagentclub #HulkHogan #BadMovie #BadMovieNight
#currentlywatching #thunderinparadise2 #badmovie #badmovienight #hulkhogan @HulkHogan
Thunder in Paradise 2 on Letterboxd https://boxd.it/6d8I
#CurrentlyWatching #thunderinparadise2 #BadMovie #BadMovieNight #HulkHogan
#CurrentlyWatching #ThunderInParadise #BadMovie #BadMovieNight #HulkHogan @HulkHogan
Thunder in Paradise on Letterboxd https://boxd.it/69es
#CurrentlyWatching #ThunderInParadise #BadMovie #BadMovieNight #HulkHogan
#CurrentlyWatching #WarlordsOfThe21stCentury #BadMovie #BadMovieNight
Warlords of the 21st Century on Letterboxd https://boxd.it/1qMc
#CurrentlyWatching #WarlordsOfThe21stCentury #BadMovie #BadMovieNight
#CurrentlyEatching #TheClownMurders #BadMovie #BadMovieNight #johncandy
The Clown Murders on Letterboxd https://boxd.it/QGs
#CurrentlyEatching #TheClownMurders #BadMovie #BadMovieNight #johncandy
#CurrentlyWatching #Striker
#Striker1997 #BadMovie #BadMovieNight #movie #movies #badmovies
Striker on Letterboxd https://boxd.it/3XMe
#CurrentlyWatching #Striker #Striker1997 #BadMovie #BadMovieNight #movie #movies #badmovies