@Peternimmo @Lazarou This is from last year.
( #ForeignStudents are also concerned about the unrestricted access visitors get to university campuses and perplexed by the ease of #GunAvailability in #America , which contributes directly to school shootings. )
#AsianMastodon #Vietnamese #OverseasStudents #Asian #Students #USGunViolence #UnsafePlace #AntiAsianHateCrimes #AmeriKKKa #BadReputation #HowTheWorldSeesTheUS #ForeignersExperience #InternationalStudents
#foreignstudents #gunavailability #america #asianmastodon #vietnamese #overseasstudents #asian #students #usgunviolence #unsafeplace #antiasianhatecrimes #amerikkka #BadReputation #howtheworldseestheus #foreignersexperience #internationalstudents
Le single "Bad Reputation" de Red Cloud est sorti !
#RedCloud #BadReputation #single #musique #rock
Happy anniversary to Joan Jett’s debut album, ‘Bad Reputation’. Released this week in 1981. #joanjett #joanjettandtheblackhearts #badreputation #doyouwannatouchme 🖤 🖤 🖤
#JoanJett #joanjettandtheblackhearts #BadReputation #doyouwannatouchme
En un trabajo donde conviven composiciones propias con otras que van desde el rock clásico de los años 50´y 60´ hasta el glam rock de los 70 elegimos una de sus canciones emblemáticas: #BadReputation.