Derchotv · @derchotv
26 followers · 1572 posts · Server

In wurde in der Nacht die schwedische Botschaft gestürmt:


Last updated 1 year ago

Don Trueten :verified: · @thomas
698 followers · 5267 posts · Server

20 Jahre Irak-Krieg und die Folgen

Am 20. März 2003 marschierten die mit Unterstützung britischer, polnischer und australischer Truppen in den ein. Der "Koalition der Willigen" gelang es, einzunehmen und Diktator Hussein zu stürzen. Da kein Mandat des UN-|s vorlag, gilt der Angriff vielen als . |s Presse debattiert die bis heute schwerwiegenden Konsequenzen des |es.

#USA #Irak #Bagdad #saddam #Sicherheitsrat #volkerrechtswidrig #europa #Krieg

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
637 followers · 1045 posts · Server

Today in Labor History January 25, 2003: Fifty activists left London for Baghdad to serve as human shields. They intended to stop the U.S.-led coalition troops from bombing civilians. Kenneth O'Keefe, an ex-U.S. marine and Persian Gulf War veteran led the action. They called it the TJP (Truth Justice Peace) Human Shield Action to Iraq. He believed that thousands of human shields would make the invasion politically impossible. However, Saddam Hussein deported him several days before the invasion. And they never came close to attracting thousands of volunteers. At best, no more than 500 human shields made it to Iraq before the March invasion. None of the human shields died in the war. And the coalition forces did not destroy any of the sites where they were staying.

#workingclass #LaborHistory #imperialism #iraq #humanshields #Bagdad #war #saddamhussein #bombing #civilians

Last updated 2 years ago

ZGoldenReport · @ZGoldenReport
899 followers · 27650 posts · Server

At least 10 dead and more than 20 injured after explosion in the east of . The blast occurred in a garage near a football stadium and a cafeteria, when an explosive device attached to a vehicle detonated, triggering another tanker truck explosion.

#Bagdad #iraq

Last updated 2 years ago

ZGoldenReport · @ZGoldenReport
909 followers · 29246 posts · Server

At least 10 dead and more than 20 injured after explosion in the east of . The blast occurred in a garage near a football stadium and a cafeteria, when an explosive device attached to a vehicle detonated, triggering another tanker truck explosion.

#Bagdad #iraq

Last updated 2 years ago

ZGoldenReport · @ZGoldenReport
899 followers · 27650 posts · Server

NOW - Protesters storm the Iraqi parliament building in for the second time this week.

They are doing way more for their country then the soyboys who claim to be patriots in America!


Last updated 2 years ago

ZGoldenReport · @ZGoldenReport
904 followers · 28803 posts · Server

NOW - Protesters storm the Iraqi parliament building in for the second time this week.

They are doing way more for their country then the soyboys who claim to be patriots in America!


Last updated 2 years ago

Jürgen Klute · @klute
28 followers · 146 posts · Server