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Baildon launch new walks guide

Six Walks for Self-Guiding from Baildon Railway Station has been launched!

The book, which contains route descriptions, maps and photos, are on sale for £3 and can be ordered via info@baildonwalkersarewelcome.org

Bob Davidson, Chair of Baildon Walkers are Welcome said: “We hope the routes will encourage local people and visitors to enjoy the marvellous moorland, valleys, woods, rivers and canal on our doorstep.”

#Baildon #walkersarewelcome

Last updated 2 years ago

Walkers are Welcome town - Baildon.

A thriving town with about 16,000 residents, on the edge of open country, Baildon Moor is one of the first areas of open country heading out of Bradford.

For many years the Moor and Shipley Glen have been destinations for walkers. A Dales Way connecting path, Bradford Millenium Way ,The Dales Highway and Welcome way come through Baildon.


#Yorkshire #Baildon #walkersarewelcome #dales

Last updated 2 years ago