Vincent is running [unnamed game, Tovey Baker & D. Vincent Baker, name forthcoming] tonight for the #BakerHouseBand. It's so cool. I'm hearing some of this design for the first time, as it's really Tovey & Vincent's work.
Characters in play:
Servant of Blood (Annika)
The Enchanter (Meri)
Life's Paladin (Elliot)
The Demon-bane (Tovey)
All 5 of us #BakerHouseBand folks got our #CovidBooster yesterday, and I was fine when I woke up this morning, clucking at the kids who were groaning. O pride! How thou goest before the fall! 7 hours later, I'm shivering in layers of wool, achy and sore everywhere and just want to curl up and sleep for a week. Still, WAY better than having Covid! #MaskUp #GetBoosted
#BakerHouseBand #CovidBooster #MaskUp #GetBoosted