@geekingirl 50 parked personal vehicles and a minute or two extra for car commuters > the effective movement of hundreds of people. This is a classic #autowa #BalancedApproach
I haven't seen a car go down my street, or the adjacent one, in at least 5 minutes but lots of people walking and on bikes. They're MUPs now, according to the logic of #BalancedApproach.
@Auxonic @human3500 That's not a #BalancedApproach, Eric. There are two sides to the scale: on the one, there's paying back those who voted for you and hosted your expensive campaign events; on the other, there's making sure those who thought the city could be better remember their place. See, balance ⚖️
As @michaelsuddard highlighted, Tobi Nussbaum points out that the active street along the QED finds support in the city's official plan. Amazing how consistently the city seems to work hard to undermine its own commitments. What's that saying about mission statements and budgets?
Yeah the #autowa #BalancedApproach can be found in its budget for road widenings, not in the goals it sets itself in ignored policy documents.
@Auxonic @Dianora The #Autowa #BalancedApproach: accelerating towards disaster.
The "road closed but only for cars" signs in the #OttBike lane on Booth north on Albert now have "Shared sidewalk, cyclists yield to pedestrians" signs beside them.
In #autowa, the #BalancedApproach is everyone has to fight for scraps while drivers get wide smooth lanes.
#ottbike #autowa #BalancedApproach
You'll be shocked (shocked!) to learn that #autowa mayor Sutcliffe performatively biking to city hall from Wellington West one single time has not result in the city refraining from piling grown-ass human height snow piles in the "winter maintained" #OttBike network blocks from his house.
#autowa #ottbike #ottawa #BalancedApproach
Classic: hitting two signs saying the sidewalk are closed from behind (ie apparently I'd been walking on a closed sidewalk?). Move signs to get stroller past.
Coming back, signs are back and there's a "detour" that is literally stepping off a high curb onto a busy street.
I was outside this morning and a salt truck went by.
Why is the city wasting money putting salt on the snowy road when the city doesn't think it important to protect citizens from the weather? #BalancedApproach
@human3500 @grivettcarnac Truly a #BalancedApproach as we do not provide motor vehicles covered spots to wait for lights to change.
During the election there was a lot of sanctimoniousness about daring to ask for active transportation routes in February.
The answer then, or course, was maintaining routes (esp. to schools, community centres, etc) to even a fraction of what we do car infrastructure is possible with political will, plus maybe connecting existing links.
Perhaps, having a kid scoot to school today, we should have added climate change adaptation? :thisisfine:
#ottawa #ottbike #BalancedApproach
@human3500 The #BalancedApproach is that everyone must drive. @grivettcarnac
@kdorse My local bus stop still hasn't been cleared with access to the sidewalk since before Christmas. #BalancedApproach
Maintainence is key to being able to enjoy the #WinterCity.
Today we walked along a winter maintained MUP (cleared even if not for the melt) until we got to the unmaintained LRT detour (which is supposed to be maintained but neither city nor LRT contractors have accepted responsibility to clear this stretch).
One segment allows people of many abilities to enjoy the outside in the winter, the other (the mayor's so called #BalancedApproach full of missing links and other failures) tells you to stay home.
#wintercity #BalancedApproach #ottawa
@mariellequinton I believe this style of snow clearing is Mark Sutcliffe's #BalancedApproach
Love* the #BalancedApproach that sees sidewalks that were clear yesterday completely impassable today because sidestreet clearing had blocked them off at both ends. #Ottawa #OttWalk #Autowa
*Hate. I hate it.
#BalancedApproach #ottawa #ottwalk #autowa
@human3500 @MichaelPorter I went to drop books off at the library on the 24th. The sidewalks had been plowed the day before, but a #BalancedApproach resulted in the slushy snow from the streets being pushed back onto the sidewalk to create a spectacular obstacle course.
Why can't #OttWalk ever be happy? /s
@MichaelPorter They will wait for our coming heatwave to melt it. #BalancedApproach