"Podążając za polityką migracyjną UE, wynegocjowaną wcześniej przez te państwa, państwa nieustannie mordują ludzi przybywających na granice. Wykorzystują nacjonalizm, dyskurs bezpieczeństwa i rasizm, aby legitymizować pogromy, pobicia, eksmisje i dalszą dyskryminację. Wyzyskują ludzi, którym udało się przetrwać przemoc graniczną w sweatshopach. Budują nowoczesne obozy koncentracyjne, by więzić migrantów w ciągłym stanie wykluczenia. Jednocześnie nagradzają policję i straż graniczną, którzy codziennie zabijają, gwałcą i rabują. Ta znormalizowana przemoc jest oficjalną polityką UE. Będziemy nadal organizować się przeciwko niej we wszystkich jej formach i przeciwko wszystkim jej pomocnikom: czy to Frontexowi, faszystowskim tłumom czy patrolom granicznym."
#BalkanAnarchistBookfair #bab23
Balkan Anarchist Bookfair haul #BalkanAnarchistBookfair2023 #BalkanAnarchistBookfair
#balkananarchistbookfair2023 #BalkanAnarchistBookfair
More about the #BalkanAnarchistBookfair (@bab2023) also in an interview by @aradio_berlin here (#BadNews 68):
#BalkanAnarchistBookfair #badnews
Last night we held info-events for #BalkanAnarchistBookfair in Lyon #France and in Zagreb #Croatia
Today info-event and soli-party in Bucharest #Romania tomorrow in Warsaw #Poland
All pre-events are listed here:
#BalkanAnarchistBookfair #france #croatia #romania #poland
If your are planning to go to the Balkan Anarchist Bookfair that takes place before @anarchy2023, note that it will start a day early with the event DAY0 - ANARCHA-QUEERFEMINIST NETWORKING AND ORGANIZING
#BalkanAnarchistBookfair #anarchism
Upcoming info-events for #BalkanAnarchistBookfair :anarchismtrans:
5/5 Trieste, Italy
6/5 Bratislava, Slovakia
13/5 Athens, Greece
20/5 Zagreb, Croatia
All the details are here:
Is published on our website:
Other updates on program, logistics, participation etc. are also regularly published. Check it here:
The First info on PROGRAM and LOGISTICS for #BalkanAnarchistBookfair 2023 published on their website:
via @bab2023
#Anarchy2023 #Ljubljana #Anarchism #Books #anarchistbookfair
#BalkanAnarchistBookfair #anarchy2023 #ljubljana #anarchism #books #anarchistbookfair
The First info on PROGRAM and LOGISTICS for #BalkanAnarchistBookfair 2023 published on their website:
via @bab2023
#Anarchy2023 #Ljubljana #Anarchism #Books #anarchistbookfair
#BalkanAnarchistBookfair #anarchy2023 #ljubljana #anarchism #books #anarchistbookfair
First info on PROGRAM and LOGISTICS for #BalkanAnarchistBookfair 2023 published on the website:
15/03 @ Udine/Videm, Italy
In alcune individualità anarchiche/distro etc abbiamo organizzato per Mercoledì 15 marzo allo SPAZIO AUTOGESTITO DI VIA DE RUBEIS 43 A UDINE (altri appuntamenti della settimana li elenchiamo sotto) la presentazione della Fiera del libro anarchico dei balcani che avverrà a Ljubljana dal 7 al 9 luglio 2023. Verranno a raccontarci cosa bolle in pentola alcunx compagnx che fanno parte dell'assemblea organizzativa della fiera di quest'anno.
Vi aspettiamo alle ore 19.00 per mangiare qualcosina insieme e a seguire la presentazione.
15/03 @ Udine/Videm, Italy
In alcune individualità anarchiche/distro etc abbiamo organizzato per Mercoledì 15 marzo allo SPAZIO AUTOGESTITO DI VIA DE RUBEIS 43 A UDINE (altri appuntamenti della settimana li elenchiamo sotto) la presentazione della Fiera del libro anarchico dei balcani che avverrà a Ljubljana dal 7 al 9 luglio 2023. Verranno a raccontarci cosa bolle in pentola alcunx compagnx che fanno parte dell'assemblea organizzativa della fiera di quest'anno.
Vi aspettiamo alle ore 19.00 per mangiare qualcosina insieme e a seguire la presentazione.
First call to the international anarchist movement for participation on #BalkanAnarchistBookfair is already translated into 15 languages! Kurdî being the new translation added... SHARE IT WIDELY!
This week we held #BalkanAnarchistBookfair info-events and meetings in #Monfalcone and #Trieste in Italy.
You can find the report here:
#BalkanAnarchistBookfair #monfalcone #trieste
Montreal Anarchist Bookfair @anarchybookfair is almost 25 years old. This year it will take place May 27-28. We will for sure send some promo materials for @bab2023 there and celebrate with them this important tradition. As you know - #BalkanAnarchistBookfair is celebrating 20 years with event in Ljubljana in July!
This week #BalkanAnarchistBookfair info-events will take place in Monfalcone and (closed, organizational meeting) in Trieste, #Italy.
#BalkanAnarchistBookfair #italy
This weekend we were in Livorno where first info-event for #BalkanAnarchistBookfair #2023 took place in a local space of Federazione Anarchica Italiana.
Read the report on our website:
Yesterday the first info-event for #BalkanAnarchistBookfair 2023 took place in Livorno, Italy. There will be more in next weeks and months.
If you want to organize info-event for #BAB2023 in your local social or autonomous space (it can be organized with online presence from our site also), please get in touch. All infos are here:
#BalkanAnarchistBookfair #bab2023
Oltre i muri del nazionalismo e della guerra! https://umanitanova.org/oltre-i-muri-del-nazionalismo-e-della-guerra/ #balkananarchistbookfair #movimentoanarchico #editoriaanarchica #EstEuropa #Articoli #DalMondo #numero_3 #slovenia #Culture #balcani #lubiana #2023
#BalkanAnarchistBookfair #movimentoanarchico #editoriaanarchica #esteuropa #articoli #dalmondo #numero_3 #slovenia #culture #balcani #Lubiana
Listen to radio interview with #BalkanAnarchistBookfair 2023 organizers done by #LeneșxRadio from Romania:
#BalkanAnarchistBookfair #leneșxradio
RT @aradio_berlin@twitter.com
Jetzt online: der #LibertärePodcast mit dem Dezemberrückblick 2022:
#Radio #Berlin #Podcast
#News aus aller Welt
Leben im #Knast
#BalkanAnarchistBookfair Ljubljana
Countdown zu @anarchy2023@twitter.com Die Erste Internationale
Hört rein! 🏴📻
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/aradio_berlin/status/1612488378494160922
#libertarepodcast #radio #Berlin #Podcast #news #knast #BalkanAnarchistBookfair #WoHerrschtAnarchie