#Cian had the task of tending the magic cow of the blacksmith Gaivnin Gow. She moved so fast and so far that it was no wonder that Cian eventually became inattentive and took a nap. When he awoke, the #GlasGhaibhleann had disappeared. Cian had to travel to the realm of #Balor of the Evil Eye. The monstrous #Fomorian king set him impossible tasks to get the cow back. There, however, #Cian seduced Balor's beautiful daughter #Eithne and begat #Lugh. Finally, Cian returned the #GlasGhaibhleann to the blacksmith.
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of #Celtic #Mythology and #People`.
RT https://twitter.com/GodysseyPodcast/status/1547215200692084737
#Cian #GlasGhaibhleann #Balor #Fomorian #Eithne #Lugh #celtic #mythology #people
Cian had to travel to the realm of #Balor of the Evil Eye. The monstrous #Fomorian king set him impossible tasks to get the cow back. There, however, #Cian seduced Balor's beautiful daughter #Eithne and begat #Lugh. Finally, Cian returned the #GlasGhaibhleann to
#Balor #Fomorian #Cian #Eithne #Lugh #GlasGhaibhleann
#Celtic #FairyTaleTuesday: `In the second Battle of Moytura, when Nuada fell under the Fomori Giant-King #Balor’s sword, his wife #Macha stood over his body and protected him as well as she could before she too was struck down.`
Source: Ali Isaac
RT @IrishStoryTime
Labby Rock Dolmen, Co #Sligo.
One of the largest Irish dolmens, its limestone cap weighs nearly 70 tonnes. According to legend, it marks the grave of Nuada of the Si…
#celtic #FairyTaleTuesday #Balor #macha #Sligo
#Celtic #LegendaryWednesday: #Lugh led the #TuathaDéDanann against the Fomorians in the great final battle of Mag Tuired, where he killed his grandfather #Balor of the Evil Eye. Lugh, generally recognized as a harvest god, was also a god of arts and crafts.
RT @NeuKelte
Nua-#CelticSoulJourney: In #mythology Lough na Súil is where #Lugh Lámfhada was forced into fulfilling a terrible prophecy: he killed his own grandfather, #Balor of th…
#celtic #LegendaryWednesday #Lugh #TuathaDeDanann #Balor #CelticSoulJourney #mythology
„When #Nuada led the #TuathaDeDanann in their invasion of #Ireland, his wife #Macha fought fiercely at his side in both Battles of Moytura. In fact, in the second battle, when Nuada fell under the Fomori Giant-King #Balor’s sword, she stood over his body and protected him as well as she could before she too was struck down. Macha is also credited as being part of the triad of the Morrigan, warrior Goddess of battle, strife and sovereignty.“
Credit @aliisaac_
#Nuada #TuathaDeDanann #ireland #macha #Balor
#Celtic #MythologyMonday: #Balor kept his daughter #Eithne imprisoned in a high tower so that she could not give birth to the hero who was fated to kill him. Eithne’s name is derived from the #Irish word ét, ‘envy’ and means ‘She who causes Envy’.
Source:Â http://theses.univ-lyon2.fr/documents/getpart.php?id=lyon2.2009.beck_n&part=159208
#celtic #mythologymonday #Balor #Eithne #irish
#Celtic #FolkloreSunday: Some interpretations connect #Balor with the winter season, which smites growing plants with frost and chill, and as such he is sometimes said to be the #Irish version of the continental #Otherworld god the Romans called Dis Pater. Balor lasted long in Irish folklore, where he appears as a pirate living on #ToryIsland, off the northwest coast, and struggling against those who would steal his magical cow.
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of #Celtic #Mythology and #Folklore`
RT @lorraineelizab6@twitter.com
In Irish myths, Balor was a leader of the Fomorians (malevolent supernatural beings). He was a giant with a large eye that wreaked destruction when opened. Some say he had 1 eye, others say 2 or 3! One of his names is Balór na Súile Nimhe (Balor of the Evil Eye). #MythologyMonday
#celtic #FolkloreSunday #Balor #irish #otherworld #ToryIsland #mythology #folklore #mythologymonday
#MythologyMonday #DisabilityTwitter: Since spying on his father`s #druids the king of the demonic #Fomori people had only one eye. Hence his epithet `Balor of the Evil/Poison Eye`. When opened it presented such a terrible and destructive sight that anyone who looked at it died or offered no resistance. However, #Balor was so huge that he could hardly move and four #Fomors had to lift his eyelid with the help of a hook.Â
Source: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/BalorÂ
RT @dublinmacker@twitter.com
Of the Mighty Blows whose name meant death. As a child he spied on his father's druids enacting an eldritch rite to lay a plague upon their enemies and some of the spell's vapours went into his eye, causing it to swell to a great size and granting it the power of death. https://twitter.com/dublinmacker/status/1271150850208141313
#mythologymonday #disabilitytwitter #druids #Fomori #Balor #Fomors
In #mythology Lough na Súil is where #Lugh Lámfhada killed his own grandfather, #Balor of the Evil Eye. Balor fell face down into the ground, his evil eye burning a great crater in the earth, which filled up with water, and so the Lough was formed.
Credit @aliisaac_
RT @NeuKelte@twitter.com
Nua-#CelticSoulJourney: Lough na Suil lies on the edge of the battle site of #Moytura. The lake mysteriously emptied overnight in 1833, 1933, and then at intervals of twenty years or so, until most recently in 2006 and 2012, and refills itself.
Besides a geological reason
1/2 https://twitter.com/NeuKelte/status/1553503407100624897
#mythology #Lugh #Balor #CelticSoulJourney #Moytura
Nua-#CelticSoulJourney: In #mythology Lough na Súil is where #Lugh Lámfhada was forced into fulfilling a terrible prophecy: he killed his own grandfather, #Balor of the Evil Eye. It was a dreadful yet necessary act, and by it, he saved his people from slavery.
#CelticSoulJourney #mythology #Lugh #Balor
#Cian had the task of tending the magic cow of the blacksmith Gaivnin Gow. She moved so fast and so far that it was no wonder that Cian eventually became inattentive and took a nap. When he awoke, the #GlasGhaibhleann had disappeared. Cian had to travel to the realm of #Balor of the Evil Eye. The monstrous #Fomorian king set him impossible tasks to get the cow back. There, however, #Cian seduced Balor's beautiful daughter #Eithne and begat #Lugh. Finally, Cian returned the #GlasGhaibhleann to the blacksmith.
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of #Celtic #Mythology and #People`.
#Cian #GlasGhaibhleann #Balor #Fomorian #Eithne #Lugh #celtic #mythology #people
#Celtic #LegendaryWednesday: #Balor kept his daughter #Eithne imprisoned in a high tower so that she could not give birth to the hero who was fated to kill him. Eithne’s name is derived from the #Irish word ét, ‘envy’ & means ‘She who causes Envy’.
#celtic #LegendaryWednesday #Balor #Eithne #irish
#Balor kept his daughter #Eithne imprisoned in a high tower so that she could not give birth to the hero who was fated to kill him. Eithne’s name is derived from the #Irish word ét, ‘envy’ and means ‘She who causes Envy’.
Source: http://theses.univ-lyon2.fr/documents/getpart.php?id=lyon2.2009.beck_n&part=159208