Another amazing thread from BadBalticTakes on an astonishing slice of #history when a quarter of the populations of #Estonia, #Lithuania, and #Latvia formed a continuous 670km human chain, the #BalticWay, denouncing both #Nazi and #Soviet ideologies and demanding #freedom.
Start here:
#estonia #history #lithuania #latvia #nazi #BalticWay #soviet #freedom
Berlin wall fell 33 years ago. But change was already underway before the fall.
In Lithuania, we were tearing down this wall from within. The #BalticWay happened less than 3 months before the the wall was torn down.
I am happy to have been the part of this change.
A precious photo of my family - Mother Dainora Urbonienė and a brother Gediminas Urbonas - in the Baltic way, on 23rd August, 1989.
A picture taken near Panevėžys by my Father Eugenijus Urbonas.
#BalticWay #RibbentropMolotovPact
33 years ago, the people of the Baltic States stood together in an unprecedented peaceful demonstration.
They formed a +600km long human chain, crossing the borders with a common call for Freedom and Democracy.
We are #StrongerTogether 🇪🇺 #BalticWay
RT @EUinmyRegion: 33 years ago, the people of the Baltic States stood together in an unprecedented peaceful demonstration.
They formed a +600km long human chain, crossing the borders with a common call for Freedom and Democracy.
We are #StrongerTogether 🇪🇺 #BalticWay
#OnThisDay in 1989 🇪🇪 & 🇱🇹 & 🇱🇻 created a human chain as peaceful demonstration against oppressive regime. #BalticWay
In 2020, this gesture was repeated in solidarity w/ 🇧🇾. #FreedomWay
Today, my thoughts are w/ Ukrainians & their desire for #democracy. 🇺🇦🇪🇺
#OnThisDay #BalticWay #FreedomWay #Democracy #StandWithUkraine️
Täna, 33 aastat tagasi, 1989. aastal seisid 🇱🇹🇱🇻🇪🇪 inimesed koos Balti ketis.
Rohkem kui 2 miljonit inimest Tallinnast Vilniuseni seisis vabaduse, väärikuse ja Euroopa unistuse eest.
Ära lase agressoritel end hirmutada, ühtsus on kõige võimsam tõrjumine. #BalticWay
RT @VSinkevicius: On this day in 1989 people of 🇱🇹🇱🇻🇪🇪 stood together in the #BalticWay.
More than 2M people from Vilnius to Tallinn stood for the freedom, dignit…
RT @VSinkevicius: On this day in 1989 people of 🇱🇹🇱🇻🇪🇪 stood together in the #BalticWay.
More than 2M people from Vilnius to Tallinn stood for the freedom, dignity & European dream.
Don’t allow agressors to scare you, unity is the most powerful repulse.
През 2009 г., 23 август е обявен за Общоевропейски ден за почитане на паметта на жертвите на всички тоталитарни и авторитарни режими.
Денят на демонстрацията не е избран случайно - на 23 август 1939г., точно преди избухването на Втората световна война, е подписан пактът Молотов-Рибентроп между нацистка Германия и Съветския съюз, който със секретен протокол разделя Източна Европа на сфери на влияние.
3️⃣3️⃣ години от #BalticWay.
На 23.08.1989 г. близо 2 млн. граждани на Литва 🇱🇹, Латвия 🇱🇻 и Естония 🇪🇪 образуват 600 км жива верига, в израз на желанието им за независимост от СССР.
Днес "Балтийският път" е символ на отстояването на демокрацията и свободата. 👇
📸 @Europeanaeu
RT @VSinkevicius: On this day in 1989 people of 🇱🇹🇱🇻🇪🇪 stood together in the #BalticWay.
More than 2M people from Vilnius to Tallinn stood for the freedom, dignity & European dream.
Don’t allow agressors to scare you, unity is the most powerful repulse.
On this day in 1989 people of 🇱🇹🇱🇻🇪🇪 stood together in the #BalticWay.
More than 2M people from Vilnius to Tallinn stood for the freedom, dignity & European dream.
Don’t allow agressors to scare you, unity is the most powerful repulse.