“fear of bees was reasonable, but running from bees got you stung”
- Sarah Pinsker #Baltimore #BaltimoreBooks
Maryland’s anti-miscegenation law was only repealed on 1967
#Baltimore #BaltimoreBooks noted in E Evans Paull “Stop the Road”
Barbara Mikulski: “ the British couldn’t take Fell’s Point, the termites couldn’t take Fell’s Point, and goddamned, the State Roads Commission can’t take Fell’s Point either”
#Baltimore #BaltimoreBooks @bookstadon
Ill-advised plans to “revitalize” #Baltimore by destroying Mount Vernon with a highway, or by destroying Fells Point, Canton, and Federal Hill with a highway
From E Evand Paull #StopTheRoad #BaltimoreBooks @bookstadon
#Baltimore #StopTheRoad #BaltimoreBooks
“My work at Princeton forced me to ask the question whether teaching this cohort of well-heeled, well-endowed Americans constituted a good use of my Black American time on earth.”
#AJVerdelle #MorganState #BaltimoreBooks
#Poe or #JohnWaters?
“the ludicrous heightened into the grotesque; the fearful coloured into the horrible; the witty exaggerated into the burlesque; the singular wrought out into the strange and mystical. You may say all this is #BadTaste”
(From Peter Ackroyd’s brief bio)
#Baltimore #BaltimoreBooks @bookstodon
#poe #JohnWaters #BadTaste #Baltimore #BaltimoreBooks
#Poe or #JohnWaters?
“the ludicrous heightened into the grotesque; the fearful coloured into the horrible; the witty exaggerated into the burlesque; the singular wrought out into the strange and mystical. You may say all this is #BadTaste”
(From Peter Ackroyd’s brief bio)
#Baltimore #BaltimoreBooks
#poe #JohnWaters #BadTaste #Baltimore #BaltimoreBooks
“Autumn, a charmingly indecisive time on the Chesapeake, has given way to winter”
#WilliamWWarner #BeautifulSwimmers #BaltimoreBooks