A few hashtags relating to something that still happens in far too many countries but really needs to stop, because in all its guises it is abuse, if not torture:
#ABA #BanABA #banconversiontherapy #conversionpractice #conversiontherapy #EndConversionTherapy #pbs #StopTheShock
I don’t have the time nor the energy to retype an important thread I just posted on Twitter, so if you could please read and share it, I’d thoroughly appreciate it. Thanks.
#Neurodivergent #Neuroqueer #ActuallyAutistic #KineticAutistic #PluralGang #BanABA #AllABA
#neurodivergent #neuroqueer #actuallyautistic #KineticAutistic #pluralgang #BanABA #AllABA
P.S. #Stimming doesn’t just relieve stress, and ABAers aren’t “unwittingly” grooming kids for exploitation. #ActuallyAutistic and otherwise #Neurodivergent scholars, activists, and #ABA survivors have been saying #behaviorism violates #HumanRights and nonhuman #AnimalRights for decades. As Leonard Cohen said, “Everybody knows.”
#stimming #actuallyautistic #neurodivergent #aba #behaviorism #humanrights #animalrights #SayNoToABA #AllABA #BanABA #abaistorture
Per Paulo Freire, “An act is oppressive only when it prevents people from being more fully human.”
Committing #ABAabuse prevents people, particularly #neurominority groups, from being more fully human.
Conversely, to #BanABA is to permit people to be more fully human.
#abaabuse #neurominority #BanABA #SayNoToABA
On July 15, 2021, #Minnesota Governor Tim Walz signed an Executive Order restricting #ConversionTherapy, but he never enforced it against people practicing #ABAabuse, the basis of modern conversion therapy.
For two years, I advocated for MSU, #Mankato and the Minnesota DFL Party to #BanABA
Now, on #AutismAcceptanceMonth, the Minnesota Senate has passed SF 23, a conversion therapy ban that excludes #ABA
To #ActuallyAutistic and otherwise #Neurodivergent people who’ve survived #HumanRightsViolations, know that you didn’t deserve any of that awful shit.
The enforcers of #neuronormativity are inhuman, not you.
To reiterate, the path to #NeurodivergentLiberation is through #socialism
#minnesota #conversiontherapy #abaabuse #mankato #BanABA #autismacceptancemonth #aba #actuallyautistic #neurodivergent #humanrightsviolations #neuronormativity #neurodivergentliberation #socialism #solidarityforever
“Anyone involved in seeking or implementing prenatal screening tests for autism or any other sort of prenatal prevention of autism should be prosecuted in international court under the Genocide Convention, which classifies as genocide any attempt to prevent births within a targeted group.”
— @DrNicky
#GenocideAwarenessMonth #AutismAcceptanceMonth #NotMSSNG #ABAisTorture #BanABA #AllABA #AutisticPride
#GenocideAwarenessMonth #autismacceptancemonth #notmssng #abaistorture #BanABA #AllABA #autisticpride
So I reposted a link to my website that contains a bunch of #ABA links with information about it.. and it’s getting a lot of traffic today.
#ActuallyAutistic #Autism #BanABA #aba
“Now that Ireland has concluded that ABA and PBS are human rights violations, the question arises: Why do both major capitalist parties — Democrats and Republicans — and academic administrators continue to support this quackery?”
Read my latest piece in the Mankato Free Press to find out!
#actuallyautistic #wednesdaythoughts #BanABA
Kirjoitin Uusi Suomi Puheenvuoroon aikuisten autistien ja VERSO Kuntoutus Oy:n välisestä kiistasta: https://puheenvuoro.uusisuomi.fi/aarokustaanheimo/aikuiset-autistit-vastustavat-niin-sanottua-aba-terapiaa-autistisille-lapsille/
#ActuallyAutistic #BanABA #StopABA #NoABA #ABAisAbuse #ABAharms #SayNoToABA #BanConversationtherapy #AskingAutistics #EndABA #ABA #Eheytyshoidot #EhjänäSyntynyt #PuoskarilakiNyt #Eheytysterapia #OikeusOlla #Ihmisoikeudet #Kiista #SosiaalinenMedia #Maalittaminen #Maalitus #Facebook #Autismi
#actuallyautistic #BanABA #stopaba #noaba #abaisabuse #abaharms #saynotoaba #banconversationtherapy #askingautistics #endaba #aba #eheytyshoidot #ehjanasyntynyt #puoskarilakinyt #eheytysterapia #oikeusolla #ihmisoikeudet #kiista #sosiaalinenmedia #maalittaminen #maalitus #facebook #autismi
Kirjoitin Uusi Suomi Puheenvuoroon aikuisten autistien ja VERSO Kuntoutus Oy:n välisestä kiistasta: https://puheenvuoro.uusisuomi.fi/aarokustaanheimo/aikuiset-autistit-vastustavat-niin-sanottua-aba-terapiaa-autistisille-lapsille/
#ActuallyAutistic #BanABA #StopABA #NoABA #ABAisAbuse #ABAharms #SayNoToABA #BanConversationtherapy #AskingAutistics #EndABA #ABA #Eheytyshoidot #EhjänäSyntynyt #PuoskarilakiNyt #Eheytysterapia #OikeusOlla #Ihmisoikeudet #Kiista #SosiaalinenMedia #Maalittaminen #Maalitus #Some #Facebook
#actuallyautistic #BanABA #stopaba #noaba #abaisabuse #abaharms #saynotoaba #banconversationtherapy #askingautistics #endaba #aba #eheytyshoidot #ehjanasyntynyt #puoskarilakinyt #eheytysterapia #oikeusolla #ihmisoikeudet #kiista #sosiaalinenmedia #maalittaminen #maalitus #some #facebook
Kirjoitin Uusi Suomi Puheenvuoroon Aikuisten autistien ja VERSO Kuntoutus Oy:n välisestä kiistasta: https://puheenvuoro.uusisuomi.fi/aarokustaanheimo/aikuiset-autistit-vastustavat-niin-sanottua-aba-terapiaa-autistisille-lapsille/
#ActuallyAutistic #BanABA #StopABA #NoABA #ABAisAbuse #ABAharms #SayNoToABA #BanConversationtherapy #AskingAutistics #EndABA #ABA #Eheytyshoidot #EhjänäSyntynyt #PuoskarilakiNyt #Eheytysterapia #OikeusOlla #Ihmisoikeudet #Kiista #SosiaalinenMedia #Maalittaminen #Maalitus #Some #Facebook
#actuallyautistic #BanABA #stopaba #noaba #abaisabuse #abaharms #saynotoaba #banconversationtherapy #askingautistics #endaba #aba #eheytyshoidot #ehjanasyntynyt #puoskarilakinyt #eheytysterapia #oikeusolla #ihmisoikeudet #kiista #sosiaalinenmedia #maalittaminen #maalitus #some #facebook
I’ve been watching to see if/when the ABA industry might add trans people to their targets. I wonder if this might be the first step. A state might use this "reasoning" to declare that all trans children are autistic and therefore they need ABA. I hope I’m wrong, but AMB Wealth Management has a web page saying "Mental health issues in schools and the provision of more providers will ultimately expand ABA recognition beyond ASD exclusively" - so really all that’s needed is for those in power to view transgender expression as a mental health issue. The path to ABA is shortened when one equates transgender and autistic.
Perhaps the advocates for trans genocide won’t let the private equity firms that are beginning to dominate the ABA industry get involved.
The "black and white thinking" ascribed to autistics by The Daily Caller is so hypocritical when they are the one’s publishing black and white thinking. (I’m feeling righteous anger about all of this, and I find these stereotypes especially irritating).
#BanABA #actuallyautistic #trans
#BanABA #actuallyautistic #trans
Many are my interests, rn I am distracted by sh:tty situations
Also I wonder wtf the US is so fecking far behind and still promoting this bs
The life expectancy of #Autistic people is roughly half that of the general population.
The second leading cause of early death in Autistics is suicide.
#ABAabuse grooms Autistics for sexual abuse.
Nine of 10 Autistic women experience sexual violence.
#autistic #abaabuse #internationalwomensday #BanABA
“It is the responsibility of intellectuals to speak the truth and to expose lies.”
— Noam Chomsky
#FridayNight #FridayThoughts #FridayFeeling #FridayMotivation #FridayVibes #AcademicChatter #FuckABA #ABAharms #ABAisAbuse #YesAllABA #BanABA #AllABA #PBSisABA #PBSfails #WeCanDoBetterThanCapitalism #GoCoOp #Socialism #Communism #Anarchism #Leftist #AntiCapitalism
#fridaynight #fridaythoughts #fridayfeeling #fridaymotivation #fridayvibes #academicchatter #fuckaba #abaharms #abaisabuse #YesAllABA #BanABA #AllABA #PBSisABA #pbsfails #WeCanDoBetterThanCapitalism #gocoop #socialism #communism #anarchism #leftist #anticapitalism
Too many #neurodiversity activists prioritize reputation.
They hesitate to engage in #neuroqueer resistance for fear of being perceived as “extremist” or “pushing an agenda.”
They forget that 75 percent of Americans hated #MLK in 1968.
#neurodiversity #neuroqueer #mlk #saturdaythoughts #saturdayvibes #BanABA #AllABA
Applied Behavior Analysis
might sound like a viable thesis
-it is tearing us into pieces-
#actuallyautistic #BanABA #abaisabuse
Modern #ConversionTherapy stems from #behaviorism, a manifestation of which is #ABAabuse, a system of rewards and punishments pioneered by #UCLA #psychologist O. Ivar Lovaas in the early 1960s to try to make #Autistic and otherwise #neurodivergent kids “indistinguishable from their peers.”
Many #neurominorities are also members of the #LGBTQIA+ community, as we experience and by extension express #gender, #sexuality, and #romance differently.
Thus, #ABA is not only #neuralist, it’s also #queerphobic, #racist, #classist, #sexist, and a ton of other things because there are obviously neurodivergent people in every minority group.
#FuckABA #ABAharms #ABAisAbuse #YesAllABA #SayNoToABA #BanABA #AllABA #PBSisABA #PBSfails #AbolishBehaviorism #Neurodiversity #Neuroqueer #ActuallyAutistic #KineticAutistic #PluralGang #ThursdayThoughts #ThursdayVibes
#conversiontherapy #behaviorism #abaabuse #ucla #psychologist #autistic #neurodivergent #neurominorities #lgbtqia #gender #Sexuality #romance #aba #neuralist #queerphobic #racist #classist #sexist #fuckaba #abaharms #abaisabuse #YesAllABA #SayNoToABA #BanABA #AllABA #PBSisABA #pbsfails #abolishbehaviorism #neurodiversity #neuroqueer #actuallyautistic #KineticAutistic #pluralgang #thursdaythoughts #thursdayvibes
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Our #neurokin are dead
Because #ABAisAbuse
#HappyValentinesDay #BanABA #TuesdayMorning #TuesdayMotivation #TuesdayVibe #ValentinesDay2023 #Neurodiversity #Neurodivergent #Neuroqueer #ActuallyAutistic #KineticAutistic #PluralGang #AutisticPoetry
#neurokin #abaisabuse #happyvalentinesday #BanABA #tuesdaymorning #tuesdaymotivation #tuesdayvibe #valentinesday2023 #neurodiversity #neurodivergent #neuroqueer #actuallyautistic #KineticAutistic #pluralgang #autisticpoetry