The #Biden - #Harris administration is committed to banning assault weapons, enacting universal background checks, requiring safe storage, and helping end gun violence. #EndGunViolence #BanAssaultWeapons
#BanAssaultWeapons #endgunviolence #harris #Biden
The arguments against banning assault weapons remind me a lot of the arguments against stopping climate change. They both come down to some form of "we're already fucked, why even try?" My counter, we have to start somewhere. You don't walk away from a big job just because it looks too hard. You start small and take it step by step. #BanAssaultWeapons
Deafening silence, lack of public advocacy for #BanAssaultWeapons from Sen #MarkKelly of AZ is Sinema-style negligence, demeaning of the voters who put them in position to be heard. #RobbElementary
#RobbElementary #markkelly #BanAssaultWeapons
I just finished (or rather, didn't finish watching) the documentary "11 Minutes" on the mass shooting in Las Vegas.
I found the last episode so obscene, I had to turn it off. With a single exception, I saw cops, doctors, EMT people and entertainers escaping into the pseudo-virtue of teary mourning of the dead...
Fuck each of those self-indulgent cowards who'd rather turn the dead into martyrs instead of campaigning to save people in the future. #stopfuckingcrying and #banassaultweapons.
#BanAssaultWeapons #stopfuckingcrying
@celtic_chick Each and every one of these murders desensitize us to the inhumanity of their deaths. Yet so far this year 13,900 have been killed by gun violence.
#itstheguns #BanAssaultWeapons #StopTheMadness
Late night post, however I believe this can't wait.
#KeithOlbermann Monday podcast, addresses, again, the mass shooting problem in the #UnitedStates
It's the damn guns!
#EnoughIsEnough #gunreformnow #BanAssaultWeapons #unitedstates #keitholbermann
Congressional Republicans, Gun Lobby, and Gun Nuts:
Stop wasting money on holsters. Shove your firearms up your reckless, sociopathic, gun violence-perpetuating, mass murderer-enabling asses.
This isn’t about 2nd Amendment rights; it’s about profits, power, and paranoia. The U.S. now has mass shootings daily. Thousands of people are wounded, hundreds mortally, by gun violence annually, thanks to assholes like you.
#Republicans #GOP #GunLobby #GunNuts #GunViolence #GunSafety #BanAssaultWeapons
#BanAssaultWeapons #gunsafety #gunviolence #gunnuts #gunlobby #gop #republicans
So, in Texas I guess John Lennon had it exactly right. Happiness is a Warm Gun.
Governor Abbott, you've made Texas a killing field. Happy now?
#GunReformNow #BanAssaultWeapons #GOPBlood #GOPBetrayedAmerica
Dozens of Shots
#GOPBetrayedAmerica #gopblood #BanAssaultWeapons #gunreformnow
So, in Texas I guess John Lennon had it exactly right. Happiness is a Warm Gun.
Governor Abbott, you've made Texas a killing field. Happy now?
#GunReformNow #BanAssaultWeapons #GOPBlood #GOPBetrayedAmerica
Dozens of Shots
#GOPBetrayedAmerica #gopblood #BanAssaultWeapons #gunreformnow
Perhaps US govt should start issuing travel advisories for states like Texas like they have for places like Sudan. This is the MAGAland fascists love living in. #BanAssaultWeapons ↘️
Former Rep. David Jolly (R-Fla.) on Monday suggested a “simple” political solution to America’s gun violence.
“I would say the political answer to gun violence in America is never again elect a Republican. It’s that simple,” Jolly told MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace ...
Finally. A Republican gets it. #BanAssaultWeapons
The trauma of #gunviolence can last a lifetime. We need to stop making our children suffer for gun fetishization.
#schoolshootings #gunsafety #guncontrol #BanAssaultWeapons #gunviolence
Cleveland, #TexasShooting
A man went next door with a rifle & began shooting his Hounduran neighbors with a AKrifle killing an 8-year-old & four others inside a house near Houston, after the family asked him to stop firing rounds in his yard because they were trying to sleep #TooManyGuns #BanAssaultWeapons 2 of the victims were found laying over 2 children in a bedroom
2 other victims, a male & female, were found by the front door & the slain child was in the front room
#texasshooting #toomanyguns #BanAssaultWeapons
“It’s horrific,” Capers said. “No one should ever have to look at this scene, the blood, the trauma that went on in that house.”
WRONG. Every #NRA backed shill in the #Texas legislature, their fucked up Governor, Lt Governor, Attorney General and all of the GQP nutters in The House & Senate--especially Ted Cruz & John Cornyn should have to look at all of the bloody pictures.
#BanAssaultWeapons #BanAR15s & their variants.
Gunman killed neighbors, child with AR-15-style rifle, sheriff says - The Washington Post
#NRA #texas #BanAssaultWeapons #banar15s
Semi-automatic rifle ban passes Washington state Legislature; Inslee expected to sign into law
The law would ban more than 50 gun models, including AR-15s, AK-47s & similar style rifles that fire one bullet per trigger pull & automatically reload for a subsequent shot The bill bans their future sale, distribution, manufacture & importation, with some exemptions included for sales to law enforcement agencies & the military in Washington #BanAssaultWeapons #GunReform
There are 2 visions of America:
1-A US run by the @NRA @GOP #MerchantsOfDeath who worship & profit from the death & misery of innocents
2-Democrats & Independents who fight for laws that include saving lives & making US all safer
I pick #2-You?
#gunreformnow #BanAssaultWeapons #merchantsofdeath