RT Greens/EFA in the EU Parliament 🌍
Everyone must have a decent income that covers their costs!
We need a #MinimumIncome above poverty line, quality jobs, proper rights to platform workers, to #BanUnpaidInternships & to support trade unions to protect #WorkersRights.
Join & get a poster https://greens.eu/3rrW9C6 https://t.co/bsT6Cxsx13
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/GreensEFA/status/1681935584615333888
#MinimumIncome #BanUnpaidInternships #workersrights
Re Renata, who participated in the conversation, is also a fierce #BanUnpaidInternships campaign advocate.
@EuHouseSkopje https://t.co/VepLOsau4d
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/WeBalkans/status/1678701970704531458
Commissioner @NicolasSchmitEU on unpaid internships ↓
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European Youth Forum: Have you already had your morning coffee? Join us for a cup of coffee with @NicolasSchmitEU ☕️
One year ago, we launched a petition to #BanUnpaidInternships✍️ As our petition is closing, Commissioner shares support in this interview with @Maria_Alcaz 👀👉 https://youtu.be/2Dfy8q5SB3Q https://t.co/s4qNlaJrWU
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_Social/status/1674728512157089794
📢EESC calls on EU & Member States to end discriminatory practices against young people in the labour market!
🚫1 in 4 young workers are minimum wage earners but some countries still have separate low youth minimum wages
PR: http://europa.eu/!G4Pf8p https://t.co/IZK7pd9uA6
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EESC_PRESS/status/1669649078546825216
Unbezahlte Praktika in der EU verbieten! #payyourinterns
Wir @TheProgressives fordern verbindliche Regeln für Praktika! Dazu haben wir den Initiativbericht „Hochwertige Praktika in der EU“ vorgelegt, und in der Juni-Plenarwoche im #EP beschlossen. #banunpaidinternships https://t.co/M643ZFbexN
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/SCHIEDER/status/1672137414033195009
#PayYourInterns #EP #BanUnpaidInternships
After a decade of campaigning @europarl_en today called for a Directive to #BanUnpaidInternships 👍
We thank all rapporteurs & we are ready for the next steps: Social Partners Consultation with
@BusinessEurope @SMEunited @SGI_Europe https://t.co/fZlDSOIRM8
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/etuc_ces/status/1668940800498057216
🎓 Parliament is about to vote: let’s ban unpaid internships from Europe!⛔️
Work must be paid, and experience is not money!
@GreensEFA https://t.co/Yz9GEkMw3J
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/rosadamato634/status/1668908517376286723
💪Ce l'abbiamo appena fatta!
L' @europarl_en ha votato per bandire i tirocini non retribuiti.
Ora sta alla @EU_Commission trasformare questi voti in realtà.
#BanUnpaidInternships https://t.co/7lMmDmxPIN
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/rosadamato634/status/1668943485909475328
RT Greens/EFA in the EU Parliament 🌍
The @europarl_en just voted to #BanUnpaidInternships! 🎉🎉🎉
We are finally putting an end to the era of "working for experience”.🔥
Now it’s up to the @EU_Commission to propose a law to make sure every intern will be paid.
Continue supporting our call: https://greens.eu/3qFGj6O https://t.co/BO7bHT51uB
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/GreensEFA/status/1668940969004130307
RT José Gusmão
Acabámos de aprovar o relatório dos estágios. Felizmente, todas as emendas da direita e da extrema-direita para esvaziar ou eliminar a proposta de diretiva foram rejeitadas. Agora, a bola está do lado da Comissão.
@Youth_Forum @Left_EU @mmatias_ https://t.co/qVdLDi7Xue
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/joseggusmao/status/1668990272993128456
Have you been proposed an unpaid internship?
It's time to put an end to this discrimination!
We call the @EU_Commission to propose a law that makes it illegal to employ interns without fair compensation.
#BanUnpaidInternships https://t.co/rYscBY3mIK
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_EESC/status/1671785441601650688
Tomorrow the @europarl_en will vote to #BanUnpaidInternships. Some MEPs want to water down this proposal.
Join us and say it loud the era of "working for experience" is over!
🔗Sign our petition: http://greens.eu/3sFg5P3
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/GreensEFA/status/1668647298451091459
Today, @EU_Commission presented its #MentalHealth strategy.
Mental health is a matter of housing, income, job conditions, social services & other support.
A concrete way to improve young people’s mental health is to #BanUnpaidInternships.
Join our call: https://greens.eu/42qQ6L1
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/GreensEFA/status/1666459390784819200
#MentalHealth #BanUnpaidInternships
RT @GreensEFA: Today, @EU_Commission presented its #MentalHealth strategy.
Mental health is a matter of housing, income, job conditions, social services & other support.
A concrete way to improve young people’s mental health is to #BanUnpaidInternships.
Join our call: https://act.greens-efa.eu/ban-unpaid-internships?source=gg_twitter_intern_2023-06-07 https://t.co/ksnW1UW7HM
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/msaraswati/status/1666506983325802496
#MentalHealth #BanUnpaidInternships
Mara just finished her payed internship at one of our offices in Romania. We are proud to welcome all those interested in European issues & willing to do the extra mile for their ideas and dreams. Follow us for future internship opportunities. #YouthUp #BanUnpaidInternships
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/negrescuvictor/status/1663810374762725376
#YouthUP #BanUnpaidInternships
RT @Youth_Forum: #BanUnpaidInternships
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/WorkersEESC/status/1627713454722121731
RT @Youth_Forum: YES experience, BUT no money? That shouldn't be the case in 2023 anymore✋
A six month unpaid #internship cost a young person in Europe a little over €6,000😯 No one should work for free.
Sign the petition now & help us #BanUnpaidInternships 👉https://www.change.org/p/ban-unpaid-internships?recruiter=1269622130&recruited_by_id=335ef2e0-f395-11ec-aac7-19d1e4c7a9bd&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=petition_dashboard
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/joseggusmao/status/1616174971797274624
#internship #BanUnpaidInternships
RT @PatriciaVelicu: 📢 Strong message by @Romain_Dargent co-chair of @industriAll_EU Youth Group at #iAExCom: ‘Society owes young people! Solutions exist to end the crisis they have been in for 15 years:
▶️ #BanUnpaidInternships
▶️ #QualityJobs & apprenticeships
▶️ meaningful involvement’
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Jude_KD/status/1598276083543322624
#iAExCom #BanUnpaidInternships #qualityjobs #EYY2022
RT @aliciahoms: ❌ No podemos permitir que los becarixs sigan sin cobrar por su trabajo.
✊ Las prácticas no remuneradas son una forma de explotación y una violación de los derechos de lxs jóvenes.
🗣️ Nuestro objetivo: una Directiva para acabar con esta injusticia!
❌ No podemos permitir que los becarixs sigan sin cobrar por su trabajo.
✊ Las prácticas no remuneradas son una forma de explotación y una violación de los derechos de lxs jóvenes.
🗣️ Nuestro objetivo: una Directiva para acabar con esta injusticia!