What Is The Difference Between Bank Guarantee And Letter Of Credit?
Being in international business, you might be very well aware of the concept of bank guarantee and letter of credit but sometimes, it becomes difficult to differentiate between these two as both the terminologies look similar but they are very different from each other.
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#tradefinanceservices #LetterofCredit #Bankguarantee #internationaltrade #letterofcreditandbankguarantee
Which Is A Better Choice - A Letter Of Credit Or Bank Guarantee
Letters of Credit and Bank Guarantees are the two most commonly used trade finance instruments in an international trade deal. Both are issued by a bank or legal financial institution to mitigate the payment risks between the parties as well as to safeguard the parties’ interests.
Read more: https://www.axioscreditbank.com/blogs/which-is-a-better-choice-a-letter-of-credit-or-bank-guarantee
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#AxiosCreditBank #Internationalletterofcreditservice #tradefinanceinstruments #Bankguarantee #LetterofCredit