August 25, 2023 - Day 237 - NewPlay Review
Total NewPlays: 257
Game: Banners of Ruin
Platform: Steam
Release Date: Jul 30, 2021
Library Date: Aug 9, 2023
Unplayed: 16d
Playtime: 19m
Banners of Ruin is a roguelite deckbuilder in which a mouse and a bear attempt to take back their city from the corrupt folks who stole it.
With two and a quarter hours sleep last night, I figured I'd get in early for a NewPlay and review, because I'm not even sure I'm going to make it through the morning.
Banners of Ruin came in the same bundle as Shred 2, and where Shred 2 felt like a "oh well, nothing lost", Banners of Ruin is a bit of a surprise.
Although it's quite different, it reminds me mostly of Slay the Spire, and while initially put off by the idea of trying to play a deckbuilder and remain conscious, it's actually fun.
The tutorial was well done, but a little bit too loquacious, and determined to hold my hand even after I'd grasped the basic mechanics, but once through the tutorial, I had a fun, if short run.
On the downside, it insisted on starting on a secondary monitor, and we had a fundamental disagreement about which monitor is which. It also supports a quite limited number of resolutions for a game that was released mid-2021, only running up to 1920x1080, but Fullscreen is an option, and the graphics don't suffer at all.
All in all, Banners of Ruin seems to be a fun way to kill 15 minutes here and there, and is:
4: Good
#BannersOfRuin #RogueLite #DeckBuilder #MastodonGaming #Gaming #Project365ONG #Project365 #NewPlay
#BannersOfRuin #roguelite #deckbuilder #mastodongaming #gaming #project365ong #project365 #newplay
#gaming #BannersOfRuin #strategy J'adore ces rogues où tu en chies grave pour finir le donjon une première fois à tuer le dernier bosse avec ses 5 goons hyper tankés uniquement pour que le jeu te dise
"Bravo, maintenant on va rajouter une quête super difficile pour qu'après le premier boss à goons surtankés, il y ait un second boss, puis un troisième avec des goons encore plus tankés que le premier."
Vraiment j'adore. 😁😭😁
#gaming #BannersOfRuin #strategy